Bearcat 55XLT

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Jun 13, 2006
I got this old 55XLT from a friend that got it when his dad died 2 weeks ago.He told me his dad use to use it at Nascar events in Daytona.I looked around online and found out it was made back around 1985. I don't have a book for it. I was hopeing someone here might be able to answer a few ?'s for me.First of all I don't know anything about scanners.
1-When I get to the race, do I just put in the frequency # and push scan?????
2-I found an owners manuel online for the 60XLT and it says a frequency must first be programed into a channel befor it can scan.Is this manual close enough to mine that I can use it???
3-There are also buttons that say Manual-Lockout-Review-Keypad(on-off) this one I get-and "E". The squelch and volume I also understand.I used to have a walkee-talkee as a kid.
My mian use for it will also be for Nascar races


Mutated Member
Premium Subscriber
Jun 27, 2002
I found this on the web a few years ago. Hope it helps.

Uniden Bearcat 55XLT Information

The radio is a basic 10 channel scanner. Nothing fancy. If you
disconnect wall power and it doesn't have batteries in it, it will
lose it's memories.

It uses 5AA batteries. If you put NiCd's in it, you can flip a switch
in the battery compartment and they will charge when you plug it in.
(If you use an external charger you don't have the flip the switch.
Leave it on Alkaline.)

The keypad switch "locks" the keypad so you don't accidentally press a
button and change your settings.

To program:

Turn on radio.

It will be in scan mode. Press Manual (orange button) to stop scanning.
Press Manual button to step through channels to get to the one you want.
(Or press channel number and then manual button)

If "LockOut" is displayed it means this channel isn't being "Scanned."
You will want to lock out the NWS WX (National Weather Service/Weather)
frequency. Pressing Lockout will toggle the status.

To program:

Select channel. Use keypad to enter frequency. Use "E" for Enter
key. If the radio displays an E this means Error. Usually, the
frequency you typed in is outside of the capabilities of the scanner.

Once you hit the E you will immediately start hearing anything that's
out there on the frequency you entered.

Push the "Review" button and the scanner will display the frequency
that is programmed for the channel. A "-" will be displayed for the
decimal point.


Jun 13, 2006
"E" button

AH HA the "E" button is what I have to push for it to work.
thank you vary much
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