Bell FleetNet Help


Premium Subscriber
Jan 13, 2024
Need help...

Sorry, I'm new to digital scanning and P25 systems in general. Located in the Peterborough County area etc..

I have been trying to figure out which sites in Zone 1 & 2 to select in my favourites lists to speed up my talk group scanning times, eliminating areas/sites too far to get signals. I have two scanners which are able to decode P25. I used one scanner to isolate just the sites in Zone 2 that show their site signal would overlay my location (ex Peterborough, Pontypool etc) .

With the other scanner I included all sites in Zone 2 regardless of location. I then monitored both scanners simultaneously and took note which talk groups appeared on which Site IDs etc.. I realized that some of the traffic I was getting was being obtained from Sites well outside the expected area that I should be receiving a signal. Sites like Gatehouse, Prescott and Harcourt for instance were showing very clear understandable traffic.

Often the same or a different talk group id would also have the same communication traffic on the scanner that I'd isolated to just my local area sites. The same thing happened when I looked at just the Zone 1 sites. Traffic was heard on site locations well outside my expected coverage area, often appearing on the same or different talk group ids on the local area scanner.

I see that there is duplication of frequencies among sites, some of the control channels appear in more than a few site locations. Also note that both scanners were using the same external antenna using a multicoupler, so the signals should be similar in strength etc. So with all that said, hopefully clear enough that I make sense I have a few questions:

- some talk groups are showing as being Province wide, does that mean regardless of where the originating radio is located, that the traffic is broadcasted throughout the Province to all radios using that same talk group? Is it simulcast then?

- if two sites have overlapping frequencies either control or non control channels would comms via either site be replicated on the other site?

- why do comms on one talk group appear on a different talk group on another site?

- should I include all the sites that I have heard traffic on or eliminate those that show their signal is well outside my area? Because I would/should hear that traffic on the local site channels anyways on the same or at least a different talk group?

Thanks in advance of your help.. GB


Nov 5, 2002
I'm here a lot
One thing I would suggest to do is do a frequency search between 141.000 MHz to 144.000 MHz. Take note of the frequencies that show DAT and their site number. Those will be the ones in your reception area. The others that do not show up may be ignored. You will now have a proper menu of sites for your scanner if it is a base unit. If you go mobile, those other sites could be left in if you are visiting those areas.

If some frequencies show LNK, those are voice frequencies and will show a NAC on the display.

Sometimes when propogation is good, the Cobourg site will drift into Toronto and I was surprised to see an Ottawa EMS talkgroup show up. Carefully listening, it wasn't Ottawa at all, rather a Mississauga CACC talkgroup that uses the same talkgroup number. The reason I heard it was I have Zone 1 Primrose Site 6 with 141.555 and 142.440 programmed and Cobourg has those two frequencies as well.

I program Cobourg and Northumberland stuff in as I have family north of the town and can sometimes receive Fire and Transit from the area. I also have Campbellford, Peterborough, Fenelon Falls towers as when propogation is enhanced they are recevable by me in Toronto.


Premium Subscriber
Jan 13, 2024
Thanks for your prompt response... Kinda lost however.. I tried using a frequency search as suggested. However not sure how to display the "DAT" or "LNK" & "NAC" if even possible with my radio. I'm using an SDS200 scanner.. tried changing up the fields displayed using the customization screen with no luck..


20 + year membership
Oct 29, 2002
Downtown Hamilton
Thanks for your prompt response... Kinda lost however.. I tried using a frequency search as suggested. However not sure how to display the "DAT" or "LNK" & "NAC" if even possible with my radio. I'm using an SDS200 scanner.. tried changing up the fields displayed using the customization screen with no luck..

Use the limited display at least to start.

You can do a custom search and make it to show you the control channels.

If you are close and can hear the control channels you can then start to set up and monitor.

Your a premium member. You can with the Sentinel or ARC software make FleetNet systems to monitor, directly from the database of this site with software.

Figure out which towers you can hear. I can look at the FleetNet system I used when I was out around the Durham/Peterborough area.