ALL of the RM Italy amps with a preamp have a very effective preamp. They work very well. And for being mosfet amps, they are incredibly clean.
At the low end (KL-203p; three button front panel) it
largely only amplifies the incoming signal. Almost the same as turning the radio volume way on up.
The times I am able to use it is in an area FAR from major metros at night where DSP filtration is in use.
Largely, I would use it check against a signal deep in background noise: Imaginary, or not?
The larger amps I haven’t tried the pre-amp switch much. It’s more interesting when on Sideband at any rate.
“Spectral Purity” and RM ITALY don’t normally go in the same sentence.
The quality is adequate to the purpose is what to understand.
RM ITALY = reasonable value for the small amount paid versus real-world output. Point is to get
just loud enough the typical poor gear + poor install
on the other guys radio rig that the two of us can talk. (DSP at external speaker the other part of the equation).
On the road these bandaids are a real help. Experience without adequate power shows a need to get up to 50W or so
to be heard.
A car with a roof antenna — and where other good practice of gear & installation is followed — gives one what he might have expected with never having previously used Citizens Band. Meeting his expectations of speaking with others a mile to three miles away (radius circle, not directional) somewhat predictably (not always automatically).
A tool he’ll be likely to use. Ask for help and to offer it. A citizen, IOW.
Those pilot car radios I’ve mentioned: some are the best-sounding radios one will hear for days on end (big trucks are poor; mainly).
Others respond well to a nice sounding radio. It’s a little uncanny that others will key up just to speak with an operator on a nice rig (we all get a little lonely). I’ve settled back to just listen some days when two guys (maybe more) are having a little pickup ball game on-air.
That one can join in or not is a
very big deal. No one hearyou, pretty soon you turn it off. Then there comes a day you never turn it on.
It’s energizing to be part of something larger.
The better operators out on the road understand — and encourage— this human attribute.
This moral lesson is at the heart of responsible operation. It’s not in always being mannerly or polite, but IT IS in not stepping on everyone for miles (too much power) in a fit of anger.
You won’t be shutting down AM-19 with one of these baby amps. It’s not a weapon, in that sense.
The roomful of men around you ought to be able to hear you speak. A whisper won’t cut it.
It’s that simple.