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Baofeng BF-1801 Error in CPS

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Nov 21, 2018
I downloaded the latest CPS software for DM-1801 from the company's web site (http://www.baofengradio.com/endownload.asp ). I am trying to program my first digital contact. The talk group ID is 16776188 (I understand that talk groups can go all the way to 16777215). But when I give the value in CPS it given an error message "ID out of range". Note this ID is for a "GroupAll" TG.

Has any one faced a similar issue? Any idea to fix them? I have written to the dealer to see if this is the latest software they have, but yet to hear back.

PS: I tried to create a Contact (Not a "GroupAll" contact) directly on my DM-1801 radio, using the key pad. It is taking the talk group ID of 16776188 without any issues.


Nov 21, 2018
Got my first DMR radio from China. I checked the Dev.Info (in the radio).
Radio: BF-1801
S/No: blank
H-Version: blank
Soft version: v2.00.09
DSP-Version: HRC6000 v1.2
Program time: 2018.06.20 14:52

The first question I had in mind - Is BF-1801 and DM-1801 one and the same? I searched the internet using google but could not see a Baofeng model with model name BF-1801. Even Baofeng's web site does not have such a model listed. The outward appearance of the set is exactly same as DM-1801.

Next I checked for the CPS for this radio. Here again I could only find the CPS for BF-1801 (listed at Home_BAOFENG official website_baofengradio.com). I downloaded the same. After installing I tried configuring my first digital contact. It was a "GroupAll" TG with the ID 16777184. When I entered this Call ID, the application threw an error "ID out of range". My understanding is that Talk Groups can have IDs all the way till 16777215. I tried creating a Private Call/TG with the same ID. Again I got the same error. Is this a known defect in the CPS?. I have written to the Baofeng's contact person, but yet to get a response from him.

Looks like there is also a firmware upgrade for DM-1801, version #2.1.9. But I could not find any associated CPS for this version. Please help me on using the CPS, and provide link to the latest working CPS.

NOTE: I tried to create a contact directly on the radio using the keypad. I could create a contact (only a private contact, not a groupall contact) with the Call ID 16777184. The radio did not complain. But I could not add the Contact to a channel and the channel to a zone, so could not actually test if the configuration is working.


Nov 21, 2018
I just checked the TG listings for both DMR-MARC and Brandmeister and neither show TG numbers anywhere near the range of the TG noted in your posts. Perhaps you need to do some more research?
Looks like yes. In all the videos or examples shown the Talk Group numbers are generally 3 to 4 digits. I had used AirSpy & DSD+ to get the Talk Group information. I reconfirmed the same today - talk group ID is this lengthy one, with radios used having IDs of 4 digits. Need to check if there are any restrictions on configuration of TalkGroups in Baofeng radios. Looks like MotoTRBO does not have such a limitation.


Nov 21, 2018
TETRA Specifications (Page 54) is interesting. The Talk Group 16 777 184 is a kind of special purpose talk group. It is to be allocated to Gateways. Like wise 16 777 185 is to be dedicated for a ISDN gateway. I got this Talkgroup using DSD+, and perhaps the signals on the Rx frequency was coming from a gateway node (of a TETRA network).

Which makes me think, whether DM-1801 radio has a "promiscuous mode" which can be used to check for TalkGroups on a frequency. Miklor say's yes. But I need to figure out how to enable this (using a feature "Monitor").


Nov 21, 2018
'The Unaddressed Voice Call supplementary service is a special type of group call which gives users the possibility to define a mobile station's behavior which may be different from that of a normal group call, for example special alert tones, and can be used for communications between different user organizations, each of which has its own group definitions. '

'Value of Unaddress Idn Address from FFFFE0 to FFFFEF'
0xfffe0 is 16777184 decimal.
From: DMR : TG 16777184 ??


Nov 21, 2018
Which makes me think, whether DM-1801 radio has a "promiscuous mode" which can be used to check for TalkGroups on a frequency. Miklor say's yes. But I need to figure out how to enable this (using a feature "Monitor").
Figured it out. Pressing a specific key for a longer duration will help the radio to get into promiscuous mode.


Oct 20, 2012
what specific key? i setup monitor as sk1 both long and short press but when its on it does nothing


Nov 21, 2018
what specific key? i setup monitor as sk1 both long and short press but when its on it does nothing
The default setting (i.e when I procured the rig) it was long press of SK2, which changed the setting to be on promiscous mode. Later I got the programming cable and using the CPS was able to change it to short press on SK2. And that works fine as well.


Oct 14, 2011
I just got my DM-1801 yesterday, trying to upgrade the firmware and get this every time I try to open the update program. Any ideas out there?


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