I have a surplus gas mask bag behind the seat of my recumbent & plop a handheld in that. rode the other night listening to a medevac & saw the helo fly by.
I have a mountain bike and use a mobile antenna with my Uniden bc396t handheld scanner.Micro Magnet Mobile Scanner Antenna With SMA Style Connector , Covers 100- 1200 MHz and can also transmit on the 2 metre and 70 cm ham band plus 823 - 896 MHz. 9 feet of RG-174 which is enough cable to easily squeeze though tight spaces. Wired for SMA connector.
on the back of my bike, it really picks up the signals better then the antenna that came with the scanner.
We have so many hams around here with handheld radios, and even have several Sheriff's deputees in our local ham club. We also help out with a few public events during the year. So, seeing people with radios doesn't really bother anybody.