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Jun 6, 2009
Manassas Va
have tried to find the answer to this question for quite a while to no avail. My bearcat 996T does not seem to follow trunked systems, and seems also not to be able to find control channels. I don't know if these two problems are connected or not. In the manuel underthouble shooting It says that it needs to be changed to a type one Scannerand to go to the uniden web site to learn how to do this operation. I went and tried to find someone who could help me also to no avail although I had one crook try to get me to pay for his help I was given the choise of $18.50 , $28.50 or $38.50 to pay depending on how much I wanted to fix this computer. I don't know if this is SOP now but I have never heard of a reputible company connducting business this way. Warrenty ??? Nope I bought the scanner from them as a remanufactured item, some may say i'm stupidbut I have bought 2 other scanners from uniden and this is the only trouble that I have had. The way i figured it you never know what you are getting when you buy anything and this way the item had been re checked anf fixed so it should be better. Any way any help will be appreciated, I'll through it in the Potomac River before I pay them their blackmail.


Wiki Admin Emeritus
Jul 22, 2002
Bowie, Md.
You haven't told us very much here, Bill. What system(s) are you trying to hear? Are you using any software for programming (and with the DMA scanners, most will recommend it - you can do it manually, but it's very time consuming)? If so, which one (you know that FreeScan is freeware, right?)

It kinda sounds like you're floundering a bit, so time to step back and read a few things. There's lots in our wiki that can help you along. Get something tall and cold - you will be here awhile.

First things first - go to the blue toolbar under the Scanner Master ad, float your mouse over Wiki then select Wiki Homepage. In the Popular Topics box, click on the Uniden DMA FAQ. As the name implies, it's an assembly of many popular questions and topics in a FAQ style. Pay particular attention to the systems, sites and groups article - this is one of the keys to understanding how DMA works.

At the bottom of the article is the Easier to Read links to the DMA scanners. Download- and read- the one for the 996.

If you wish to use FreeScan to program your scanner (recommended), apart from downloading it, you will need a USB-serial converter. This is described in the Connecting Scanners via USB article in the Links for Newcomers section. In addition, the user guide for FreeScan can be found here

You might also profit from asking for a FreeScan file (or an ARC996 file, which FreeScan can import) in the Virginia forum, since I see that's where you are.

That oughta be enough to get you started. 73 Mike


Jun 6, 2009
Manassas Va
I am listenning to Prince William Co, Fairfax Co., Montogomery Co Md. WVI__ , TRI CO Va. etc. I get these systems,{ I intered them by hand.] When I noticed that I was not hearing all of the communications I read the instructions book again and on page130 under troubleshooting,I found what I believe to be the problem as it describes the conditions of my radio. PROBLEM; missing replies to conversations. Possible Cause: The scanner might need to be changed to a type one { 1 } scanner setup. SUGGESTION: Change to a type one scanner setup. "See the programing instructions on the web at www.uniden .com/scanners." My problem is the uniden web site I can't find the instructions on this web site { UNIDEN } anywhere for this needed operation ,most os the time it refuses to remember ME or my "UNIDEN"l address or my "PASSWORD" On the two times that I did get in touch they ask my for the type of my radio although it was written very clearly in my note'letter. I was able to program this set easily from the manuel, although I do admit it leaves a lot to be desired BILL
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