Bizarre, repetitive sounds on various cordless phones for years. Questions.

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The big K
Super Moderator
Jan 7, 2001
I'm everywhere Focker!
These sounds would overlap, repeat, and cycle again and again for up to several hours at a time. It always happened in the wee hours of the morning, between midnight and 5 AM generally. 4:30 AM PST seemed to be the most common time during which this would start to be heard.

This has gone on for YEARS now, until very recently, regardless of where we lived or what phones we were on. After a particular instance recently - which I would prefer not to detail because it's just too bizarre, and frankly I already expect half of you to think we're just crazy or pulling your leg lol (I assure you, we're not) - all of this activity ceased. After years of it happening almost every night, usually around 4:30 AM PST. It hasn't recurred since

So, I just have to ask...why are you and your friend on the phone nightly at 4:30 AM?


The big K
Super Moderator
Jan 7, 2001
I'm everywhere Focker!
Still no

1. Was a troll all along.


2. The sounds/voices manifested themselves into something physically harmful.


3. He figured out it was his "friend" all these years.


4. This thread never really happened.


Feb 10, 2005
Northern Alabama
Still no

1. Was a troll all along.


2. The sounds/voices manifested themselves into something physically harmful.


3. He figured out it was his "friend" all these years.


4. This thread never really happened.

5. The meds started working :)


Aug 24, 2014
Northern CA

None of the above. As I said in a previous post (quoting)

As I said, little more will come from going over it again and again. I've received the only answers I seem likely to receive, and they have, believe it or not, been educational and helpful and I'm grateful for them. But what else is there to be gained from this point forward other than escalating accusations of deception or insanity? And that helps neither myself nor anyone else here.

So as I said, unless anyone has an additional hypothesis to contribute, I gratefully bow out now. Thank-you.

Which, based on the above posts, is probably a wise course of action. I have no interest in wasting my or your time. I feel I've learned all I can, and the only thing that will come from persisting in this discussion is a prolonged game of "gotcha" and a sanity questioning drumhead.

As stated, I totally understand and respect everyone's skepticism. In your shoes, I would share it. But if this were a hoax, I'd be trying to drag it out and retain interest. I'm not. Nor am I nuts. So... as I said... no further replies.

I only posted this much because I kept receiving emails due to being subscribed to this thread. Now I will unsub and leave. No more posts from me.

Thanks to those who responded with decorum.


The big K
Super Moderator
Jan 7, 2001
I'm everywhere Focker!

None of the above. As I said in a previous post (quoting)

Which, based on the above posts, is probably a wise course of action. I have no interest in wasting my or your time. I feel I've learned all I can, and the only thing that will come from persisting in this discussion is a prolonged game of "gotcha" and a sanity questioning drumhead.

As stated, I totally understand and respect everyone's skepticism. In your shoes, I would share it. But if this were a hoax, I'd be trying to drag it out and retain interest. I'm not. Nor am I nuts. So... as I said... no further replies.

I only posted this much because I kept receiving emails due to being subscribed to this thread. Now I will unsub and leave. No more posts from me.

Thanks to those who responded with decorum.

I appreciate you responding,


Jul 10, 2011
I would subtract the variables out of the scenario and look at whatever constants exist. Even though you moved was your service provider the same? What about the phone number?

The saying start and stop may have been coincidental but along the lines of data transmission, maybe the interference was just coincidental. The data path that took place between your two sets of numbers may have collided with another set of data being sent.

I had a buddy with an old corded phone that use to have a wireless. Even though the wireless wasnt used, not to mention non existent, when we called eachother you would get some interference. People talking, sometimes music. Always changed and could never track it down to a single source. Ended up being an AM station. Drove us nuts. He had a cordless also that would pick up his neighbors ohone calls. We could hear them, they couldn't hear us.


Oct 10, 2003

I find this interesting.
First off, the mental health issues.
I for one, am not qualified to say someone has a mental health issue.
It does sound unusual, but any technical answer has not been ruled out.
Perhaps there is some device that is defective in that home?
As far as listening, most phone lines go from "2 wire" to "4 wire" at some point.
If I wanted to listen to cellphone calls, I would point a dish near a cell tower.
You see, a lot of cell towers are linked to an area "master" tower by a microwave link, and from there to the MTSO.
This microwave link is unguarded, not encrypted in any way.
Microwave is not pinpoint, you can be off by a fair distance and get a usable signal.
MOST business lines are now some simple form of digital, and quite a few people no longer even have a real land line.
So I look at this as a mystery to be solved.
Think of it this way, if it were not for such mystery, we would not have Coast to Coast AM.
And, to be quite honest, most hams are fruitcakes.
I sit back and hear all about how the latest patent med costs 25 times as much and does half as well.
What scooter or electric wheelchair is best.
This crap about "Elmer" from someone who has a crap signal and smalls like they live in a pigpen.
Yes, take a look in the mirror sometime.


May 24, 2005
Good one, but I find it impossible to believe that something as basic and easily done as recording was not done on the basis that you were baffled as to how to go about doing it.
You can record a phone call with something as simple as a suction cup, wire and 1970's cassette recorder, no doubt better options available today.

Only read 1st page of the thread, will have to call you out as a very creative troll.
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