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Bluetooth for G4/G5?

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Apr 13, 2018
Austin, Texas
Bluetooth pairing - figured out

I think I stumbled on to something.

I got 3 different brand BT headsets to connect (BT 2.1, 3.0, and 4.0)

The trick was the BT headset needed to be separated from the G5 by some distance, at least 6 feet or so.

I was able to repeat this on all 3 headsets. When the headsets were in my ear, and I was holding the G5 in my hand, the headset never connected, and the G5 never detected the headset.

When I moved the headset across the room, the G5 detected it and I was able to pair. I did this with all 3 headsets at got the same results (one headset at a time, not all on at the same time).

So it appears the G5 has difficulty pairing to a BT headset that is in very close proximity?? Yeah, I know, that doesn't make a lot of sense.

After adding and deleting the different BT pairings, my G5 went into La-La land and would not turn off. I would turn off the switch, and after several seconds, the G5 would finally shut down. I plugged it in to the computer and reprogrammed it.

At one point, I was able to get my Jabra Classic (BT 4.0) to pair without the annoying beeps every time a talk group was active. I was working perfectly. Have not been able to re-create that, but will keep trying.

Now I can turn off my G5 and my BT headset, and when I turn them back on later, they automatically pair up.

Would be curious to find out if anyone else can get their BT headset to pair up by putting some distance between their G5 and headset. Put the BT headset in pairing mode somewhere across the room, then try to get the G5 to connect.

And to Krokus, thank you for the response. Yes, the headsets were all in the pairing mode (after factory resets), and the G5 earphone mode was enabled and set to search, and the G5 BT was enabled and visible.


Feed Provider
Feb 18, 2005
Attleboro, MA
I know that bluetooth receivers have been suggested already, but I figure I'll share my experience. I was in Walmart earlier tonight and came across this:


At 9 bucks I figured I could I could find another use if it didn't work. I went out, plugged it into the car stereo and voila! it worked flawlessly without any tones-there was some very minor clipping of transmissions, but nothing unacceptable.. I'm going to do a little more experimenting to see how it works with some other options, specifically a 3.5mm acoustic tube listen only earpiece (I don't think the amplification will be there for this) and with an amplified mobile speaker. If the amplified speaker works, it will be permanently installed as the mobile solution.


Active Member
Jul 25, 2003
I know that bluetooth receivers have been suggested already, but I figure I'll share my experience. I was in Walmart earlier tonight and came across this:


At 9 bucks I figured I could I could find another use if it didn't work. I went out, plugged it into the car stereo and voila! it worked flawlessly without any tones-there was some very minor clipping of transmissions, but nothing unacceptable.. I'm going to do a little more experimenting to see how it works with some other options, specifically a 3.5mm acoustic tube listen only earpiece (I don't think the amplification will be there for this) and with an amplified mobile speaker. If the amplified speaker works, it will be permanently installed as the mobile solution.

Did it come with any documentation that specifies it's Bluetooth version? I didn't see any tech specs on the web site. Thanks.


Active Member
Jul 25, 2003
Thanks. My local Walmart shows stock so I am going to try it out. May be a good alternative to the Docooler that is still out of stock at Amazon (I have one, but I want a second Bluetooth unit for my G4 so I have one available in the car and one at home for an external speaker.)


Jan 9, 2010
Thought I would add my finings for my G4 P2. Ill try to explain the best I can here.

I figured out that if you use a BT headset thats primary function is music audio and not primarliary designed for phone calls as its main function (i.e. Sony or Bose noise canceling headset or ear buds) and stay away from the standard store bought (i.e. plantronics) telephone advertized bluetooth ear pieces the G4's BT unit works just fine with no pre-curser tones before the voice audio.

Specifically, I am using my Sony WH-1000XM2 noise canceling headset paired to the G4 in the evenings and when connected there is just the voice and no tone out or pre-curser audio tones before the voice transmissions. Nothing is cut out of the initial transmission, and Im catching 100 percent copy of the audio.

Here is the Sony BT headset Amazon link for reference: https://www.amazon.com/Wireless-can...id=1533065189&sr=1-3&keywords=Sony+WH-1000XM2

I also own and connected/tried my cheap TOTU BT audio headset and its also working 100 percent with no tone out or pre-curser before the voice transmission.

Here is the amazon link: https://www.amazon.com/TOTU-Bluetoo...r=1-1&keywords=totu+bluetooth+headphones&th=1

So give this a try. Just find a BT device that primary advertized function is music audio first and it should work!

Good luck.

P.S. My new G4P2 is set up on the Colorado Springs Simulcast system and it is AMAZING!!!!!! :)


Nov 8, 2012
Thought I would add my finings for my G4 P2. Ill try to explain the best I can here.

I figured out that if you use a BT headset thats primary function is music audio and not primarliary designed for phone calls as its main function (i.e. Sony or Bose noise canceling headset or ear buds) and stay away from the standard store bought (i.e. plantronics) telephone advertized bluetooth ear pieces the G4's BT unit works just fine with no pre-curser tones before the voice audio.

Specifically, I am using my Sony WH-1000XM2 noise canceling headset paired to the G4 in the evenings and when connected there is just the voice and no tone out or pre-curser audio tones before the voice transmissions. Nothing is cut out of the initial transmission, and Im catching 100 percent copy of the audio.

Here is the Sony BT headset Amazon link for reference: https://www.amazon.com/Wireless-can...id=1533065189&sr=1-3&keywords=Sony+WH-1000XM2

I also own and connected/tried my cheap TOTU BT audio headset and its also working 100 percent with no tone out or pre-curser before the voice transmission.

Here is the amazon link: https://www.amazon.com/TOTU-Bluetoo...r=1-1&keywords=totu+bluetooth+headphones&th=1

So give this a try. Just find a BT device that primary advertized function is music audio first and it should work!

Good luck.

P.S. My new G4P2 is set up on the Colorado Springs Simulcast system and it is AMAZING!!!!!! :)
So, get a bluetooth device that does A2DP...


Jan 9, 2010
So, get a bluetooth device that does A2DP...

Im not a BT expert, but I'd venture to say yes, it has to be an A2DP capable device. But, more specifically it can NOT be a device made specifically or primarily for making wireless BT phone calls like all of the plantronics BT headsets.

I just tried my Planstonics PT50 (el-cheap-o 29 dollars walmart BT headset) and it "rings" or does a "Beee-Doooop" right as each voice begins to talk on the TG. So Plantronics PT50's don't work from what I can tell. I venture to say that applies to all BT Cell phone specific earpiece devices for phone calls.


Feed Provider
Feb 18, 2005
Attleboro, MA
Haven't tried the amplified speaker yet, but the receiver referenced above drives the 3.5mm acoustic tube earpiece just fine. I don't think it will be an issue with the amplified speaker at all, just have to figure the logistics of mounting the bluetooth receiver where the power button is easily accessible, as the unit will power down if it doesn't have a connection for an extended period.
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