BOLO for Man Who Was Photographing Texas City Refineries

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Jan 9, 2004
You might want to listen out for more on this while montioring Texas Radio.

Man Sought for Photographing Texas City Refineries

Jul 19, 2:57 PM (ET)

HOUSTON (Reuters) - Law enforcement officials said on Monday they are looking for a man seen taking pictures of two refineries in Texas City, Texas.
Texas City, located on the Texas Gulf coast about 30 miles south of Houston, has three refineries including the largest U.S. plant operated by BP Plc., which is the third-largest U.S. refinery, processing 470,000 barrels of crude oil per day.

The man, described as white with dark hair, was seen taking pictures outside the refineries, all located on the same highway, at about 5 p.m. CDT on Saturday, said Bruce Clawson, emergency management and homeland security director for Texas City.

While it is not illegal to take pictures of a refinery from a highway or street, officials would like to talk to the man to find out his reason for taking the photographs.

"This is based on the idea that al Qaeda does its homework," Clawson said. "That's not to say we don't have enough home-grown idiots already who might want to do something."

The man was seen driving a white van.

Valero Energy Corp. operates a 243,000 barrel per day (bpd) refinery in Texas City. Marathon Ashland Petroleum LLC, a joint venture between Marathon Oil Corp., and Ashland Inc., operates a 76,000 bpd refinery in Texas City.

The U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation has repeatedly warned refiners that they are possible targets for would-be terrorists. U.S. refinery security officials say their security guards regularly report people observing or taking pictures of refineries.

During the Independence Day holiday, ExxonMobil Corp. tightened security at the largest U.S. refinery, the 538,000 bpd plant in Baytown, Texas, 30 miles east of Houston, because of general warnings about possible terrorist activity.

I can think of a whole realm of channels I would want to listen to. Since these refiners are so nervous right now I might even be inclined to plug in their security frequencies to have first hand knowledge if anything happens.

How would one locate these? You can use the resources of and common sense. But I would not encourage anyone to post the exact freqeuncies so some foreign (or local) religious nut could easily try to foil refinery security.

These are operating at 97% of capacity right now and even if just a couple of them are taken out in a terrorist attack we may see gas go way beyond $3 or $4 a gallon in the USA overnight.


Premium Subscriber
Jul 9, 2002
Bay Area, CA
I heard a similar call on the CHP frequency about a month ago. Someone called and said there was a guy standing on the side of the freeway taking pictures of the Conoco Philips refinery. Either he was up to something, or he didn't consider the effects of his actions. Or maybe he was a prankster trying to make people THINK he was up to something. Who knows.


Apr 1, 2003
Planet Earth
This incident was mentioned on an alternative radio broadcast last evening, The Q-Files. I hope that this event doesn't force the price of gas to go up, but I figure its just another excuse to give us more of the shaft.


Silent Key
Premium Subscriber
Jul 30, 2001
Putnam County, NY
There's a report this morning of a bag containing fireworks exploding at the Times Square subway station, injuring a NYC police officer who was off duty. Police assigned to anti-terrorism squads immediately sealed off the area.

Follow the link for the could be a prank, or it could be a test of the Atlas and Hercules teams...Al Qaeda is well known for "testing" emergency response.


Jan 9, 2004
AEMTKieran said:
There's a report this morning of a bag containing fireworks exploding at the Times Square subway station, injuring a NYC police officer who was off duty. Police assigned to anti-terrorism squads immediately sealed off the area.

Follow the link for the could be a prank, or it could be a test of the Atlas and Hercules teams...Al Qaeda is well known for "testing" emergency response.

I am not sure the refinery photos would be a test but that subway incident sure sounds like one. Did you notice that it was at a critical point in the NYNY subway system?

BTW there was something on the refineries up in Washington (not Oregon) being put on alert last month. After seeing Fahrenheit 9/11' I was shocked to see that there is only one Washington state patrolman to cover a big part of the costal border near Canada. He only patrols some roads once a week. Who is sneaking by the other six days? I get the feeling that those Washington refineries would be an easier target than the ones near the Gulf of Mexico.

There is also a lhigh value site in Nevada that is a key location to the US energy infrastructure that would seriously cripple the country if it was hit.

The bottom line is that if you can also scan in this area it may pay off in your being the first to know something has happened.

BTW has any one else heard of other police calls that may be tests by Al Qaeda of the local response to targets they may be considering.



Feed Provider
Dec 9, 2002
Van Wert, Ohio
crayon said:
I was shocked to see that there is only one Oregon state patrolman to cover a big part of the costal border near Canada.
Where does Oregon boarder Canada at?


If the all knowing Michael Moore says Canado borders Oregon, who are we to question him?

But then again sounds like the trooper's supervisors should find out what he has been up to going to the Canadian border once a week. :lol:



Jan 9, 2004
crayon said:
I was shocked to see that there is only one Oregon state patrolman to cover a big part of the costal border near Canada.
Where does Oregon boarder Canada at?


I meant to say Washington.
WESTERN WASHINGTON - The Department of Homeland Security has advised law enforcement and refineries in Washington state that at least one refinery could have come under surveillance by terrorists.

July 2, 2004

I have Oregon on my mind since I have been watching an interesting micro earthquake swarm near Lakeview Oregon for the past month.

An earthquake swarm could be the precursor to another significant geological event or it could mean nothing. There was another minor swarm in this area a few years ago that eventually just went away. I have my PC programmed to pop up a box when ever another one hits in that area.

M Moore had it right, he was talkikng about Washington State. My error.


Jan 9, 2004
“Secret” Encryption Found - may be possible activation code

gatorhater said:
This incident was mentioned on an alternative radio broadcast last evening, The Q-Files. I hope that this event doesn't force the price of gas to go up, but I figure its just another excuse to give us more of the shaft.

Wednesday, July 21, 2004

A recently release video tape from Sahab Enterprises, a propaganda arm of Al Qaida, has been found to contain an encrypted code in several of the individual frames. This may be a signal to sleeper cells to activate.

The code is not visible through normal viewing of the footage, and the viewer must know where in the lengthy footage to look for the coding sequence.

In view of the above it may be a good idea to carry your scanner and extra batteries. If you haven't updated the frequencies you have choosen to monitor now might be a good time to get around to it.

Some may think it wise to fill up everything and avoid running on half a tank or less. Listen for instructions given out over the police and fire frequencies for public saftey units to follow this policy. That may indicate the FEDS have issued another specific alert. I noticed this the last time the government became alarmed at a posible attack on the energy industry.

This refueling policy may still be in affect at some agencies from the last warning.

If there is an attack that hits the energy industry which cripples US fuel supplies I hope that 'soccer moms' and other non essential users of fuel yield to the need to allocate fuel to public safety and those who provide critical services to the US such as truckers who move the food and other needed matrerials.

As far as I am concerned those soccer moms can walk Don't you think many are getting too fat as it is?

Isn't there still a rationing plan somewhere on the books with the coupons already printed and stored for such a situation?
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