breaking news and alerts

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Premium Subscriber
Dec 21, 2003
Ontario, Canada
A tornado warning does not mean that there is a tornado on the ground. It means that conditions are favorable for the development of tornadoes.

However, a Tornado Emergency Does mean that that there is a dangerous tornado on the ground approaching a populated area... It is up to the live audio team to make that decision if that would be allowed or not.

What is a Tornado Emergency, you please post the NOAA links that show this type of warning because last I looked there was no such thing.


Premium Subscriber
Jul 13, 2002
Charlotte, NC
burner50: Geeeez... when the RR moderator doesn't even know the difference between a warning and a watch.

rdale: You're the one predicting all the hurricaines. I said you can't predict mother nature.


Dec 2, 2006
What is a Tornado Emergency, you please post the NOAA links that show this type of warning because last I looked there was no such thing.

A "tornado emergency" isn't a formal type of warning, but it's attached to tornado warnings when it's an especially dangerous situation. Advisory 2010-01.pdf

A TORNADO EMERGENCY means that significant, widespread damage with a high likelihood of numerous fatalities is expected to continue with a strong and violent tornado. A tornado emergency is not a new warning product, but a new, visible and high impact call-to-action.


Aug 16, 2008
'Tornado Emergency' is enhanced text added to a Tornado Warning designed to get your attention similar to the 'Particularly Dangerous Situation' text added to some Tornado Watches.

Should weather alerts be posted here? No. Not as a general rule. Not unless it is causing public safety agencies to go into active response modes.

I see the alerts section here as something to draw attention from those far removed from a local area, not as something to warn local residents of imminent danger. I might be interested in logging on to Detroit if they have a tanker fire or an airliner crash for example. Weather alerts don't mean anything to me anywhere other than my home area. Also I have a number of other products to monitor weather conditions nationwide. I wouldn't come to RR for that.

Now, if there were an active storm doing destruction and the emergency responders were in rescue and recovery mode, being dispatched, giving locations affected, requesting mutual aid and so on, that might be different. The Greensburg, KS tornado a few years back or the Moore, OK disaster would be good examples of things to post as alerts.

I don't know, maybe it should be called something other than an alert for this board's purposes.
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Feed Provider
Mar 19, 2007
Virginia/West Virginia
I agree with Confuzzled, and will add that the purpose of the alerts is not to bump up the listener count for an event that may or may not happen. Where I live, the use of Doppler radar has increased the number of tornado warnings issued, but thankfully, there are few actual tornados.


Feb 24, 2001
So in that case why do we allow skywarn feeds on here? The sole purpose of a skywarn feed is for those who can listen to the feed to hear what may or may not hit the area in the local area of a watch or warn weather prediction! So If I know of a tornadoes warning in toledo and I live in toledo the best place to get what's happen in toledo is listening to toledo live feed here on RR. If I am not home where there is a weather radio, tv, radio, then where is the next best thing to find the info at ?????? Right here on RR under a alert. Lets face it as a skywarn person myself we give the weather service the info and the info comes from us well before you hear on tv or your weather radio. Yea by me having an alert of a 4 alarm fire under my feed yes I am drawing folks like you all all to come and listen to my feed. That is the reason why we stream our scanners yes????? But send out a weather alert is not the same . We are letting the folks who live in our scanner feed area of a dangerous storm that is within the area. Yes after the storm has hit and left lots of damage we then get the 100 listeners. I had an a argument 1 day over a skywarn feed from Phoenix, I wanted to see the feed come on line but others said no . I brought up the incident where a family lost a family member during a flash flood. I said if they would have had the skywarn radio on RR they would have known about the flash flood well before the the flash flood was issued for that area which came out 15 min after the flood came. So how do I know what is on my way? I have an alert out on my feed. I live in Maricopa and the storm always head north west during the summer. I see that alert in maricopa county now I know what is on its way to me if I live in Prescott. So alerts are important to have. O yea where do you thing all the news channels get their info???? ( hint from our alerts).


Founder and CEO
Staff member
Super Moderator
Dec 9, 2000
San Antonio, Whitefish, New Orleans
It's pretty clear that some of our feed providers still to this day cannot grasp the concept of what the feed alerts text field is designed for. especially since we've had to put almost 3 paragraphs of instructions on how to use the field.

We've had feed providers use the field to alert the community to local snow storm warnings, flash flood watches etc.

The alert field was designed for the type of incidents that would make it to CNN.

I'm seriously considering just eliminating, or maybe even moderating it (i.e. you submit an alert and we'll either approve it or not). Frankly, it's just too much trouble for us to manage and no matter how many times we try to set policy around the use of the feed alert process, providers willfully ignore what we've put in place.

I'll say this once, so that everyone understand our position... RadioReference is not in the business of incident notification.


The Third Variable
Dec 24, 2004
NC Iowa
A tornado warning is only issued when-

A tornado is reported on the ground..
A funnel cloud is reported....
Strong low-level rotation is indicated by weather radar.........

tornado watch is issued when -
conditions are favorable for the development of tornadoes.

No. A tornado warning is issued when tornadoes MAY be imminent.

I was out in 20+ Tornado warnings this year, and not one produced a tornado.

I would wager that the number of tornadoes that touched down and caused damage compared to the number of warnings is pretty low... Thus the reasoning behind the rule.

Yazoo City, Greensburg, Parkersburg, all warrant alerts. A funnel cloud or a Tornado in the middle of a cornfield does not.
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The Third Variable
Dec 24, 2004
NC Iowa
Well I guess we agree to disagree...

Let me point out the facts that matter in this thread:

If there is an incident occurring because of weather we allow that and it needs to be stated what is occurring and thats what they have done.

We've had feed providers use the field to alert the community to local snow storm warnings, flash flood watches etc.

The alert field was designed for the type of incidents that would make it to CNN.

Some people have their own opinion of when they should be posting alerts. No matter what you want to do, there is no posting of weather warnings. That does not meet with the alert criteria.
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