nicdoot said:
Radio Shack tells me on the phone that they will program it for me but most of the Radio Shacks really won't or don't know how. They tell you to call the 1-800 number in the booklet. One Radio Shack said they would so maybe I can take it there to get a little help. will program it for you too (so you're not stuck buying a Rat Shack scanner). Problem is, the way the program it is probably not going to be exactly what you want. Heck, for that matter, your systems are probably already programmed from the factory into the Uniden 396 or 996. But again, it won't be all the channels you want, in the order you want, with the channels locked in or out that you want.
So, even with pre-programming, you are still going to face the exact same long, tedious, frustrating learning curve that everyone else faces. There is nothing easy or intuitive about it, even utilising the best software. Again, especially if you are not knowledgeable about how radio systems operate. You will spend less than a day on it before you come here and post a
"I just don't get it! Somebody please help me!!!" message. And nobody -- try as they might -- will be able to help you without being there with you. So you'll spend a couple more days trying. Several times you will go looking for the box so you can package the damn thing up and return it, but then go back to the computer and try again. A month after you get it programmed to your temporary liking, you still won't understand half of the features, functions, and settings of the radio.
Again, if scanning whatever it is you want to scan is not just a really serious obsession for you, worth spending over $500 dollars (just to start off with), and countless hours of mind-numbing frustration on understanding and mastering, then I honestly recommend that you save your money and your time. Good luck!