Calls - Multiple SDRs/systems on bcfy Pi image


TX/LA Database Admin
Database Admin
Dec 22, 2004
Boerne, Texas
Okay, so I am running a Pi4, and I have successfully been running both a stream and a calls node from the bcfy image for months now.

I applied for a second node for another nearby system/site. I am trying to configure the second SDR to work with this system, but I can't find anything good to show other examples of this in action. I have RTL SDRs, not airspy. I have made a separate config.json file for the second system, if that's the way, but I can't find out how to start a second trunk recorder instance within the shell sudo command window.

Any help would be appreciated as I haven't seen a thread on this, nor a good wiki or github link.


TX/LA Database Admin
Database Admin
Dec 22, 2004
Boerne, Texas took some experimentation because the second calls node is for a new simulcast still in slow testing and rollout phase, and my signal is not the best. But I got it working just need to fix the antenna when I get home. Only so much you can do from RealVNC.

In case anyone else stumbles across this, here is my config.json file to make this work:

"ver": 2,
"sources": [{
"center": 770200000,
"rate": 2048000,
"ppm": -2,
"gain": 42.0,
"digitalRecorders": 4,
"driver": "osmosdr",
"device": "rtl=0"
}, {
"center": 161500000,
"rate": 2048000,
"ppm": -2,
"gain": 42.0,
"digitalRecorders": 4,
"driver": "osmosdr",
"device": "rtl=1"
"systems": [{
"control_channels": [769418750, 769706250, 770168750, 770456250, 770918750],
"type": "p25",
"shortName": "LCRABH",
"digitalLevels": 2,
"audioArchive": false,
"callLog": false,
"compressWav": false,
"broadcastifyApiKey": "REDACTED",
"broadcastifySystemId": "2806"
}, {
"control_channels": [161862500, 161.925000],
"type": "p25",
"shortName": "GCOMAL",
"digitalLevels": 2,
"audioArchive": false,
"callLog": false,
"broadcastifyApiKey": "REDACTED",
"broadcastifySystemId": "2977"
"broadcastifyCallsServer": "",
"frequencyFormat": "mhz"