For the A99 its better to put a line isolator right at the antenna to decouple the coax. A 31 mix ferrite core is good for broad band 80-10m use but you can do much better for CB using a different ferrite mix that will target just the 25-30MHz range. Use either an FT-240-61 mix core with 12 turns or an FT-240-51 mix with 9 turns. This will work much better than the MFJ 915 or the 31 mix core.
Unfortunately I can't add ground radials to the antenna without drawing too much attention from the city. They only allow strictly vertical antennas.
I'm currently set up good enough to keep the RFI down at a level that doesn't get into my SDR, and I've got a great match. I currently have an mfj 915 line isolator at the radio, followed by a short length of coax wound around a type 31 ferrite core, and finally a low pass filter before the coax heads to the antenna. I'm also using LMR 240 with SMA connectors for the line to my SDR, covered end to end with ferrite snap on chokes. I've also purchased a "nulled out" length of coax to install at the antenna.
So I'm just going to reroute the coax, get rid of the gas discharge arrestor and put the PolyPhaser inline.
I will however take your advice about the coax and ground the mast.