Can't slide card out

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♦RF Enabled Member♦
Aug 20, 2003
Cleveland, OH
I have a card in the 8200mkii and it will not come out. I slide the little release button down as hard as I can, but it's not budging. I feel like I'm going to break something if I apply even more force.

I only have 1 card, and this is it, so not a big deal. But I'd like to know that I could get it out if necessary.


Premium Subscriber
Jun 3, 2004
Georgia USA
This is a pretty common issue. Mine will slide out with great effort on the switch.
The only way I've found to remove it otherwise is to open up the case. If you remove the screws in the battery compartment and on the back and top side of the case you can gently separate the case - be aware it stays connected by two ribbon cables so don't just pull completely apart without releasing those.
The bottom slot cover will fall out, just held in by pins. You can get a better grip on the card from here. Be aware that the card is brittle hard plastic and using any metal needle nose pliers to coax it out will likely chip the plastic a lot.
A problem on mine is the bottom battery spring - it's just barely held against the contact board solder patch via a tiny plastic groove and it tends to pop out easily with screws removed. Getting it lined back up can be a pain, awful design.
Definitely check that the radio powers up before putting screws back in - if not, just have to realign that battery spring connector. I pop the bottom battery back in after removing the compartment screws - helps stabilize the spring.

Honestly if you don't have to get the card out this is way more hassle than it's worth. I just leave mine stuck in since I don't use any other cards. Good luck!


♦RF Enabled Member♦
Aug 20, 2003
Cleveland, OH
Awesome! Thanks a lot for the info. I do have just one card and will leave it, but at least I'll have a plan for the future.
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