Explain that in your submission, and the DB admin will label them the best way he can.KOscanner said:Sure I can do that. I am sure that they are both CCPD Dispatch channels. I am not sure which one is North Sector, South Sector, etc. Thats why I just labeled them dispatch 2 and 3. Is that accurate enough for a submission?
From the News Press September 19, 2007
A $6 million grant from the federal government, obtained by the Cape Coral Police Department, is going to help streamline communication between all Lee County emergency crews from Cape Coral, to Bonita Springs, to Lehigh, to Fort Myers, and improve response times.
"We're going to have a better, more reliable system that won't have to come from local taxes," Cape Coral police Chief Rob Petrovich said. "It's a win-win all the way around."
The total cost for the digital system, which will have communication access throughout the county using a series of towers, is going to be about $8 million, so what's not covered by the grant will be covered by the county.
The original article indicated the target date was December 2008. I've not heard or read anything more...
<snip>The new system will solve these issues by creating more channels and digitalizing them so they will change automatically when a crew is driving from one area to another. It should also decrease response times — something every department tries to keep at below five minutes, Stadtler said.
Stadtler and Michael Bridges, the county's deputy director of public safety, estimated the first changes will happen in Cape Coral and Pine Island by December 2008. That will be the first phase of the project. The rest of the county will follow in an additional two phases that should be completed by 2010.
and Another Agency Drinks The Digital Kool-aid, Thinking This Will Make Their Communications Better And More Reliable.
Win For The Salesman, Lose For The System Users.
Digital Systems Need More Sites And/or More Power To Equal The Coverage Performance
Of Analog Systems. And You Can Listen Through Some Static And Still Get The Message,
But When Digital Gets To Fringe Coverage, Forget It. Space Movie Sound Effects Instead Of
Recognizable Voices.
That Grant Money Came From Your Tax Dollars At The Federal Level, So This Is Your Tax
Dollars At Work...spending More And Getting Less.
Actually, yes, it is. But you'd need a LOT of computing horsepower in order to get reasonable average times to break a given key. To crack a DES key in an average of five days, you need to be able to test over 90 BILLION keys per second.
And it's a FELONY to decrypt encrypted communications that you are not authorized to intercept.
I tend to have a very different outlook and philosophy regarding this issue. If propagators of intelligence (if I can apply that term) don't want me to interception and/or hear their "signal," encrypted or not, then they need to find a way to keep it out of my home, my lab, and most of all restrict it from propagating through my brain cells. Once a signal enters my owned, bought and paid for private domain, it's in my space and it's open game. Although there will be those who are tempted to argue my point, the ultimate purpose of encrypted public safety communications is to keep the public ignorant and uniformed. Police state, Nazism, fascism etc.
99% of scanner buffs are good, law abiding citizens. And 99% of criminals who would misuse intercepted communications, if they could, couldn't program a contemporary scanner correctly and use it properly if their life depended on it.
Sure there's a legitimate need for secure communications, such as military or government... private phone calls etc. But as far as PUBLIC safety system encryption goes, I don't like the way we're becoming a nation of creeps and sneaks who operate in dark shadows. That was the way of the KGB, (still is actually).
No matter what you say or think if they encrypt you will not be able to hear it without the key. The chance of you getting that without a connection to the radio shop is less then slim.
Why however do you guys jump on the encryption thing everytime some one goes digital? In Palm Beach and Broward Co. there are several digital agencies and they are not encrypted. In fact only the special units of the Sheriff in Palm Beach are encrypted. Stop the sky is falling routine.