First of all, I have forum etiquette which is why I hate to resurrect such an old thread ... so my apologies to any mods and admins, but I figure it's better than starting a whole new, redundant thread on an identical subject. - Has anyone heard additional/current news on this Lee County Project? I've been scanning around Google and have seen little current data.
My buddy up north tells me that Polk County (Tampa, Lakeland, etc) has recently gone full-time encrypted, which of course is a shame, to put it mildly. However, Lee County has not yet even gone full digital/P25.
Like I said earlier in this thread (WiFI_AES), it seems that, like a bratty kid with a new toy which is capable of doing harm, the temptation for them to implement it HAS to be almost overwhelming. I'm not looking forward to that day but, like a rock carefully balanced on a mountain top, I can't help but believe that it's right around the corner and about to start rolling downhill.
A quick peek at a California resident's thoughts upon discovering that the Pasadena, CA Police went fully encrypted.
"Trust your government as far as you can spit upwind in a hurricane. *A government unobserved is a recipe for tyranny*... and the baking time till ready is almost instantaneous. Remember that Morality is a function of consciousness, and a government (or corporation) is not conscious so it cannot make moral choices. They may appear moral or the actions may agree with your moral choices but that doesn't make them moral choices."
Very wise words IMO.