Can one of my fellow scanner buffs help tell me and recommend a simple scanner that I can set-up to pick up Lower Township Police,etc.on there new system.Thanks for any help.Capemayvillasnj
Thanks for the great information.CapemayvillasnjThey’re using talkgroup 4617 on NJICS. Newer scanner that receives Phase II digital is required to listen.
Thanks for the great information,it's a lot of help.I see what you mean about sticker shock.No only that finding someone to program the radio too.Thanks again CapemayvillasnjAt this point, these are the county talkgroups on the state's new P25 Phase 2 trunked system:
County Sheriff
County Prosecutor 1
County Prosecutor 2
Middle Township Police Dispatch
Middle Township Police 2 (encrypted)
Middle Township Fire Dispatch
Middle Township EMS Dispatch
County Medcom
Wildwood Crest Police Dispatch
Lower Township Police Dispatch
The system information is found here:
As was mentioned, you will need a newer digital trunking scanner to receive this system. So, be ready for sticker shock. I have no idea if there are plans for more county talkgroups.