A bit of explanation on how the mobile re-transmit works:
The mobile repeat function is not routed through every transmitter site in each area. The mobile repeat in each area is routed through only select mountaintop transmitters to avoid simulcast problems.
For example: Here in my area (I-80 corridor Roseville to Truckee), CHP Green has eight transmitters on the Green channel scattered through El Dorado, Placer, and Sierra counties. The mobile audio is routed out through only one of these towers, Banner Mountain in Nevada City. This site wase chosen to give the widest coverage for the area without causing feedback problems common with simulcasting audio without synchronizing the patterns (I know I am not using the correct terminology, but the theory is sound). It is possible there is one more re-transmit site down in El Dorado County, but I'm not certain of it.
For the Truckee channel (Gray), they use two mobile audio re-transmit sites: Howell Hill in Colfax for the Dutch Flat units west of Donner Summit, and another site (unk which) in the Truckee area for those units east of the summit. Due to terrain, synchronization is not an issue.
This information came from one of our state radio techs, who maintains both our system and the CHP system.