Thank you COMINT & FRANKNY. I am really in a quandary about this CI-V interface business. Frank, you suggest using the CT-17, costing me up to 150.00, but the question arises that whether the CT-17 has not been replaced by more modern USB cables etc. Everywhere I search, those type pop up.
Additionally, I have two cables, serial RS232 & USB, which I have used previously on other radios. Neither works with my R7000. Also, looking at the schematic, the REMOTE seems to be wired directly to the CPU through one transistor. Nothing elaborate there....
I have to take the Ham Radio Direct people's work that their current version is actually 08H and is a TYPO indicating 34.
Lastly, I have to wonder if my enthusiasm is misguided given the ager of the receiver and LACK of knowledge on my part. At my advanced age (cough cough) I am not versed in this digital world, I was trained in the OLD Navy in the tubes etc. (smile)
To all that have responded, THANK YOU very much. I'll keep on trying to learn. Besides, it keeps me out of the Pool Hall.