148.125 is listed as a civil air patrol frequency.
I noticed digital transmissions on this frequency starting a little over a week ago. Most of the time the transmitter keys up and it sounds like there is a burst of a fixed data and that's it. Occasionally I pickup a much longer transmission that has the familiar sound of frequency shift keying like old Flex protocol paging towers. This stuff is being auto recorded while I am work...and I am scanning a lot of channels. So I can't listen to the pattern and timing of activity to decide if it's voice data or something else.
I curious and would like to find out what civil air patrol is using this channel for, and what protocol is being used.
I noticed digital transmissions on this frequency starting a little over a week ago. Most of the time the transmitter keys up and it sounds like there is a burst of a fixed data and that's it. Occasionally I pickup a much longer transmission that has the familiar sound of frequency shift keying like old Flex protocol paging towers. This stuff is being auto recorded while I am work...and I am scanning a lot of channels. So I can't listen to the pattern and timing of activity to decide if it's voice data or something else.
I curious and would like to find out what civil air patrol is using this channel for, and what protocol is being used.