Chaos703 said:
If I may, I'd like to piggyback another Claremore question here. My scanner really struggles with Claremore's LTR system. It will only stop on transmissions that last more than 3 or 4 seconds. My question is this: If I just monitor 460.4625 as a non-trunked freq, am I missing anything? It doesn't sound like I'm missing anything.
You'd have to monitor all five frequencies if you want to minimize missing anything while trying to monitor the system non-trunked. If you can, load up all five channels without delay into their own, dedicated scanner. This might work since Claremore doesn't seem to have too many known talkgroups set up.
Before you do this, I suggest checking your programming for the trunked system first... make sure you have the LCNs organized correctly, etc. From the Wiki entry for LTR:
"Uniden scanners that track LTR Standard systems require that the channels be programmed in proper logical order in order to properly monitor the system. Radio Shack scanners that support LTR Standard systems do not require that the frequencies be in proper order but tracking is less efficiently accomplished."
I've never tried monitoring an LTR Standard system with an RS scanner, but it seems like tracking is most efficiently accomplished when all the LCNs are in order... something to consider.
Chaos703 said:
Second question: If this works for Claremore, is there also one freq I can monitor for Lincoln County's LTR?
Sometimes, talkgroups are simulcast onto conventional repeaters, in which case a single freq can cover all the talkgroup's traffic. Other than that, I don't know of any single "back-door" freq that you can use (unless the TRS is running in a "failsoft" or "failsafe" mode)... I mean, if the TRS allowed that, there'd be no reason to have a TRS...
Hope this helps...