hrmmm ill have to dig up my submissions.
150.995 should be north and 151.325 should be south. they are both on the same license because they only have 1 main tower. the E-Ops 911 Center is the old tornado shelter that PD used LOOOOOONG ago. they refitted it and turned it into the PD/EMS/Fire/SO Ops center.
i use a Pro-83... yes i know.....OLD !! but thats all i need for Clayton. only a couple of SO Channels are encrypted sometimes, and everything else is simplex analog
EMS Ch1 Dispatch : 453.400 ( you will almost always hear a two tone signal for catching your attention on a dispatch )
EMS Ch2 : 453.300
EMS Ch3 : 460.600
EMS Ch4 : 460.350 ( Barely used )
EMS Ch7 : 460.625
a few more for ya:
Riverdale PD 154.995
Riverdale FD/EMS 151.260
Morrow PD 155.775
Morrow FD/EMS 154.070
Forest Park PD 851.7125
Forest Park FD/EMS 851.6875 ( i have yet to EVER hear anything on this?? )
Clayton Signals and Codes
1 Abandoned auto
2 Silent alarm
3 Audible alarm
4 Ambulance on way
5 Kidnapping
6 Burglar in house
7 Burglar in store
8 Call home
9 Bomb threat
10 Call Director's office
11 At county shop
12 At gas pump
13 Call extension ____
14 Call Asst. Chief's office
15 Request helicopter
16 Call county jail
17 Call radio
18 Call watch office
19 Call station captain
20 SWAT call up
21 Littering or dumping
22 Call Clayton General Hospital
23 Children disorderly, etc.
24 Demented person
25 Discharging firearms
26 Discharging fireworks
27 Dogs barking, no leash
28 Drunk
29 Fight
30 DUI
31 Electric wires down
32 Escaped prisoner
33 Fire
34 Investigate stolen auto
35 Go to headquarters
36 Holdup in progress
37 Illegal parking
38 Alcohol violation
39 Information for officers
40 Investigate or kill animal
41 Investigate auto accident
42 Investigate burglary
43 Investigate hit and run
44 Investigate hold up
45 Investigate theft
46 Investigate person hit by auto
47 Investigate person injured
48 Investigate person dead
49 Investigate rape or attempt
50 Investigate person shot
51 Investigate person stabbed
52 Investigate stolen goods
53 Investigate suicide or attempt
54 Investigate suspicious person
55 Investigate trouble unknown
56 Missing person
57 Noise violation (specify)
58 Man beating woman
59 Meet officer
60 Molesting women or children
61 Money transfer
62 OB call
63 Officer needs help
64 Panhandling/soliciting
65 Disturbance
66 Peeping Tom
67 Person down
68 Person screaming
69 Person armed
70 Prowler
71 Public indecency
72 Reckless driving or speeding
73 Rush call
74 Start another unit
75 Shooting air rifles
76 Sick call
77 Snatch thief
78 Stand-by for lookout
79 Stealing auto or from auto
80 Stray animals
81 Street hazard/obstruction
82 Wagon call
83 Wanted person located
84 Work traffic
85 Wrecker on way
86 Domestic disturbance
87 Vandalism
88 Follow up investigation
89 Property check
90 Aircraft crash
91 911 hang up
*G added means go
Code 1- Gone on arrival
Code 2- Unfounded
Code 3- No action taken
Code 4- Misc. incident Report
Code 5- Incident Report
Code 6- Accident Report
Code 7- Traffic ticket
Code 8- Traffic warning
Code 9- T.O.T. oth. uniform unit
Code 10- T.O.T. C.I.D.
Code 11- T.O.T. C.C.F.D.
Code 12- T.O.T. Rescue
Code 13- T.O.T. Sheriff’s Dept.
Code 14- T.O.T. G.S.P.
Code 15- T.O.T. Morrow PD
Code 16- T.O.T. Lake City PD
Code 17- T.O.T. College Park PD
Code 18- T.O.T. Forest Park PD
Code 19- T.O.T. Jonesboro PD
Code 20- T.O.T. Riverdale PD
all these contributed by b7Spectra's website passed on by myself directly from the scanner
oh yeah, BOE School Busses is hilarious to listen to
Ch 1 : 461.5625
Ch 2 : 461.9125
Ch 3 : 463.3375
Ch 4 : 463.7375 ( this is the soo called "Private Communications" Channel )