Clayton County needs updating

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Jan 5, 2012
I thought The Same Thing

Ch7 for CCPD is encrypted and cannot be heard at all. its the Gang and Narcotics Channel

As ive been monitoring for the last year ive started to hear more traffic on this channel & its not encrypted (Like I Originally Assumed) and its also not channel 7. Channel 7 is actually 155.4750MHz & its a stateband Interop Simplex frequency that clayton county (Police & Sheriff) uses as a talkaround frequency. Ive heard an officer say "Go To Seven" and i manually switch to it & hear them talk. But on one occasion they tried to talk on it & i could here one but not the other & a min later they were back on the North Dispatch channel & remarked that they were to far apart to communicate on that channel & had to "Public Service" (Call Cellphones) to talk to each other. Every time ive monitored it it wasnt encrypted. I can also confirm that 155.7600MHz with a CT:107.2 is in fact the Narcotics frequency cause ive listened to them tail suspected drug dealers all the way to the apts. behind where i live & also heard them doing surveillance cross talk on it. Thats more fun to listen to than the dispatch channels at times!


Dec 27, 2004
hmmmm i was always under the impression that 7 was the Encrypted channel..... i guess my crappy Pro-83 just didnt have the ability to listen to the narcotics channel


Apr 11, 2005
Jonesboro PD Freq.

I see that Clayton has been updated with most of the city pd frequencies. I was wondering if anyone would know what the dispatch freq. is for Jonesboro PD. I cant seem to find it anywhere.


Jan 5, 2012
Jonesboro PD

I see that Clayton has been updated with most of the city pd frequencies. I was wondering if anyone would know what the dispatch freq. is for Jonesboro PD. I cant seem to find it anywhere.

If im not mistaken (I Could Be Wrong) they dispatch the Jonesboro PD off the County Police Channel 3 South end dispatch (150.995MHz CT:107.2) and ive heard them dispatch them off the Tactical Channel 1 (158.895MHz CT:107.2) also. I think the only way to determine which ones are talking are thru their unit numbers. Back in 1994 when i bought my 1st scanner Jonesboro PD used their own radios, dispatch center, & a simplex frequency but switched over since then to cut cost.


Jan 5, 2012
About Tactical Channel

One note about the TAC channel is that numerous agencies are utilizing the channel during the week. Lovejoy PD (Yes They Have One Now) Animal Control, Code Enforcement, Clayton County Police Traffic Units (During The Work Week Mostly) and jonesboro pd at times. I think Jonesboro switches to Dist.2 Radio On Weekends. Ive actually heard & watched a Prostitution sting near my parents house on Stateband 154.9050MHz by CCSO. And 2 mths prior PD did their own sting at the same location using Channel 7 and it was fun watching them watch the criminals. They had no clue! But when Sheriff Hill Takes office & Old Police Chief Jeff Turner takes office as commisioner they probably gonna upgrade to the new P25 Digital System & then the monitoring days of clayton will be forever scrambled & encrypted!


Jan 5, 2012
Jonesboro Police/Fire Dept

Thanks Buttabean.... I'll check it out.

A little something i ran across today while searching for jonesboro fire dept. info. They have a contract with clayton county to provide their Fire/Rescue service to the city of jonesboro & im almost sure they have contracted with them to handle the dispatching & 911 calls thru their radio infrastructure of the city of jonesboro police dept seeing as the dispatchers for each agency need to be able to interop with each other in a moments notice to minimize response time between police & fire services. At least thats how i would wanna think they would set it up.

Fire Department


Jan 5, 2012
Old VHF Radios

Oh you mean GEWIN...another nice 7 million dollars wizzed down the commode by the GTA. Never used, just sits around gathering dust like UASI.

What cost does Cobb incur? The hardware sits on other people's sites (like Morgan Falls) and the backhaul is already in place. It's just a money grab. Not worth the fees they want to put radios online that aren't used for anything more than occasional interagency comms when you can switch to I-TAC/8-TAC, grab your trusty VHF high power mobile or cellphone.

Again, another great idea poorly executed.

Funny u mention this eric, cuz in this video Redwood City voted to switch from their digital radios back to the old VHF/UHF Analog system because of problems with transmitting & delays in transmitting cuz of the way the digital systems work.-->

I dont know about communication systems as most of the people on here do, but i do read, listen, and try to pay attention to the scanner & how the radios work. Ive learned to Speak once & listen twice cause that is where u learn. If youre always talking then cant nobody tell u anything cause its like a simplex radio, you cant talk & listen at the same time.


EMS Dispatcher
Jul 8, 2002
Cobb County, GA
>&#8220;Clayton County Police are on the P25 system and with this system we will have the inner operable abilities to talk to each other,&#8221; Reynolds said. &#8220;People with scanners will not be able to listen in. Everything will be encrypted.&#8221;<

Clayton County is on P25? Really? Since when?

>Forest Park Police Maj. Jamie Reynolds recently returned from Motorola headquarters in Chicago, and told the city council by moving to the Motorola P25 radios the city police will be on the same radio frequency as the Clayton County Police Department.<

Oh, great! ANOTHER poor soul wined and dined and brain washed by M. Same frequency as CCPD? That is going to be one crowded VHF ANALOG frequency!

>Reynolds said another advantage of having the P25 system is having complete control over operating the system&#8217;s radio frequencies.<

NO, you won't have complete control. If this system is going to be operated by Clayton County, Forest Park will have NO say so about the frequencies! More brain washing by M.

Whoever wrote this article has absolutely NO CLUE about what is going on. I've seen better writing in Obama's speeches and that ain't saying much!


Feed Provider
Jun 5, 2008
Walton County, GA
"“Clayton County Police are on the P25 system and with this system we will have the inner operable abilities to talk to each other,” Reynolds said"

'inner operable'...funny!


5B2_BEE00 Czar
Jul 12, 2008
Cobb County, GA Stadium Crime Zone
It is partially true, Clayco did put out a 2nd RFP (after they got caught copying Floyd counties' RFP LOL). It is true that the Clayton wants full time encryption on ALL talkgroups, and in fact at FRI in 2011, I overheard this personally from CLPD brass- that they are tired of RADIOREFRENCE provided scanner feeds being used by offenders.

so there, more proof that Broadcastify is ruining it for everyone.

I am not aware, however, of any final acceptance of any RFP. Traveling to Schaumberg would indicate either a system demo or customer final acceptance stage. A simple public record inquiry could find out what Forest Park's visit was for. Someone will probably have to file an open records request to get it though.


EMS Dispatcher
Jul 8, 2002
Cobb County, GA
Well, at least there is absolutely NOTHING in the FCC database, pending or current, for anything for Clayton County.

Oh, by the way, when the brainiac Forest Park major said they would operate on Clayton County's frequency, remember, FP is on 800 repeater while Clayton PD/SO is on VHF. DERF?


Feb 24, 2001
Forest Park/Clayton County News Article

I have met with Police Major Jamie Reynolds on several occasions over the past two years at various public safety communications meetings and believe the statements contained in the article are an error on the writer's part for not understanding two-way radio technology and are in no way a reflection of Major Reynold's knowledge, skills or abilities. Major Reynolds duties not only include overseeing the two-way radio equipment and systems used in FPPD and FPFD, but he is also manages the Forest Park 9-1-1 Center along with other duties. Over the years, I have been interviewed by both newspaper and television news personnel and have been misquoted and or misunderstood more than once with this occurring more than once in just one article. One must remember that many times these reporters are in a hurry to ask you multiple questions on a topic they have no clue about and are writing your answers in short hand to boot because they are on a strict time table to get the story in, so anyone being interviewed is just asking for problems once the story comes out (obviously as in this case). The "inner operable abilities to talk to each other" should be a clue to some of you about how bad this reporting is, so give Major Reynolds a break and stop slamming him in this forum.

A few things to remember:

1. Forest Park FD and PD operate on a four channel Motorola 800 MHz Analog Conventional System with plans to move to P25 trunking in the very near future. Forest Park's build out of a one or two site P25 trunked system could be the beginning stages of the countywide system (notice I said "could be");

2. Clayton County PD is currently on VHF with an RFP out for a 700/800 MHz P25 System (I think the article meant to say, "Clayton County Police are planning to move to the P25 system and with this system we will have the interoperable abilities to talk to each other,” Reynolds said." Whereas, right now they can communicate with each other by using two radios or a gateway (such as a cross band repeater, MotoBridge, ACU-1000, etc.);

3. There are (or at least were) some 800 MHz frequencies allocated to Clayton County in the Region 10, State of Georgia 800 MHz Radio Plan, but my guess is even if Forest Park were to put the four pair they have in with those allocated to Clayton County they will need to utilize some 700 MHz frequencies to give the system enough channels to handle the traffic generated by Clayton County, Forest Park, Jonesboro, Riverdale and possibly more (this may be the reason we haven't seen any license requests yet);

I could add more, but out of respect for trying to keep this post short I will stop now.


Feb 24, 2001
Traveling to Schaumberg, IL ?

I am not aware, however, of any final acceptance of any RFP. Traveling to Schaumberg would indicate either a system demo or customer final acceptance stage. A simple public record inquiry could find out what Forest Park's visit was for. Someone will probably have to file an open records request to get it though.

There are mulitple reasons a customer or prospective customer of Motorola would travel to Schaumberg and it wouldn't necessarily be limited to a system demo or customer final acceptance stage. I had the opportunity to travel there for software training back in the early 1990's and it was a very good trip. My first and only time visiting the Chicago area and the training came in very handy.


5B2_BEE00 Czar
Jul 12, 2008
Cobb County, GA Stadium Crime Zone
There are mulitple reasons a customer or prospective customer of Motorola would travel to Schaumberg and it wouldn't necessarily be limited to a system demo or customer final acceptance stage. I had the opportunity to travel there for software training back in the early 1990's and it was a very good trip. My first and only time visiting the Chicago area and the training came in very handy.

Very true, forgot all about "Motorola University". Been to a few of those myself back in the 1990s, but I went to Phoenix in the summertime. I know what a pizza feels like inside a brick oven.


Jan 5, 2012
Im Familiar With Major Reynolds Myself

I have met with Police Major Jamie Reynolds on several occasions over the past two years at various public safety communications meetings and believe the statements contained in the article are an error on the writer's part for not understanding two-way radio technology and are in no way a reflection of Major Reynold's knowledge, skills or abilities. Major Reynolds duties not only include overseeing the two-way radio equipment and systems used in FPPD and FPFD, but he is also manages the Forest Park 9-1-1 Center along with other duties. Over the years, I have been interviewed by both newspaper and television news personnel and have been misquoted and or misunderstood more than once with this occurring more than once in just one article. One must remember that many times these reporters are in a hurry to ask you multiple questions on a topic they have no clue about and are writing your answers in short hand to boot because they are on a strict time table to get the story in, so anyone being interviewed is just asking for problems once the story comes out (obviously as in this case). The "inner operable abilities to talk to each other" should be a clue to some of you about how bad this reporting is, so give Major Reynolds a break and stop slamming him in this forum.

A few things to remember:

1. Forest Park FD and PD operate on a four channel Motorola 800 MHz Analog Conventional System with plans to move to P25 trunking in the very near future. Forest Park's build out of a one or two site P25 trunked system could be the beginning stages of the countywide system (notice I said "could be");

2. Clayton County PD is currently on VHF with an RFP out for a 700/800 MHz P25 System (I think the article meant to say, "Clayton County Police are planning to move to the P25 system and with this system we will have the interoperable abilities to talk to each other,&#8221; Reynolds said." Whereas, right now they can communicate with each other by using two radios or a gateway (such as a cross band repeater, MotoBridge, ACU-1000, etc.);

3. There are (or at least were) some 800 MHz frequencies allocated to Clayton County in the Region 10, State of Georgia 800 MHz Radio Plan, but my guess is even if Forest Park were to put the four pair they have in with those allocated to Clayton County they will need to utilize some 700 MHz frequencies to give the system enough channels to handle the traffic generated by Clayton County, Forest Park, Jonesboro, Riverdale and possibly more (this may be the reason we haven't seen any license requests yet);

I could add more, but out of respect for trying to keep this post short I will stop now.

Im familiar with major reynolds too. Main reason is cuz we hung out at the same kid hangouts growing up. Another one is cuz i lived in forest park (In Morrow Now) and see him on a monthly basis. Hes a straight up guy too. I do think it might be problems if they do converge with the county on the radio system cuz of conflicting professional relationship between the city & county. My brother-n-law was a "Top Brass" major with the county 10 or more yrs ago when Chief Ronny Clackum was at the clayton county police dept & forest park would hire the rejected officers from the county. They (City & County) would backup each others depts. as a professional courtesy but never agreed on much politically. That same relationship is seen in that news article & is perhaps the ONLY part of it that the reporter got correct! But im no news media critic, just lettin the forum know of the LOOONNNG lasting mutual feelings between clayton county & forest park govnmt. Tie them together with a Motobridge & old stateband VHF/UHF or however this new system is gonna work & let them stay in there own corners cuz it sounds like they still love each other the same today as they did 10+ years ago.

2nd Officer to the right from the far left in the cover photo for Forest Park Police Facebook page is Major Jamie Reynolds.
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