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    For M/A Com/Harris/GE, etc: there are two software packages that program all current and past radios. One package is for conventional programming and the other for trunked programming. The trunked package is in upwards of $2,500. The conventional package is more reasonable though is still several hundred dollars. The benefit is you do not need multiple versions for each radio (unlike Motorola).

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Cobra 19 Ultra 6 AM/FM Opinions


Jan 10, 2025
Thank you in advance to those who have been watching my posts and are probably fed up with me. Make up your f'n mind Bill!

I have a Cobra 29 LTD classic received as a gift I put into a 1st Gen extended cab Tacoma. It's been a bit like putting socks on a rooster. :ROFLMAO: I have a frankenstein mount on the rear seat hump and it sits on the console cushion, it's out of the way and I can push it back, but . . . don't like it. I think it's going back in the house for a home station.

I will need something small enough to put under the ashtray per the pic below. The only ones small enough are the Cobra 19 Mini or the supposedly new Cobra 19 Ultra 6. (or is there a better solution that won't break the bank?)

Does anyone have any reviews or opinions on these two or how they stack up? I guess the Ultra 6 is so new no one has had a look at it, I could not find any reviews.

What I do know so far:

- Cobras are not too popular and a lot of people hate them.
- I was also looking at the Cobra 19 DX IV, a little older but the dim's are a bit larger and would present more challenges (but is doable if the mini versions are out.)
- Either will require an external meter to set/adjust antenna SWR. (planning on a Workman)
- Claim is the audio sucks on the Mini, but have seen conflicting views on these, one says it's great, one says it's not.
- The cases and dimensions are the same between the two, my guess is the Ultra 6 is just an improved version of the Mini.

EDIT: the Uniden Pro 510XL is also on the table, it's a bit bigger but I can probably make it work. The depth of that space is really the biggest challenge.

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Aug 13, 2018
New England
I think the 19 series are bottom of the barrel in terms of quality and features.

Radioddity sells (makes?) a reportedly superior and even smaller radio these days. I read about it recently, but can’t recall the model number.


Active Member
Apr 28, 2023
as I've suggested before
the Radioddity CS-47 is tiny and works pretty good. it's only $76.00 Radioddity CS-47 at Amazon I just put one under the seat in a Jeep it's less than an inch tall!!!!... ALL the controls are in a mic.. so you can just put the mic clip on the dashboard and hang the mic up and you're done!
I bought a 5 foot RJ45 extension cable to go between the mic and the radio extension cable... now it has plenty of room for the cord to go under the seat.. it is also easy to modify ... just move a jumper and you get 8 watts on AM and 15 watts on FM you also got close to 500 channels.
it also has NRC that is a total game changer in the CB world and will let you hear people further out.
just watch some YouTube video's on it... you will like it.
if you mount it under the seat as I did ... mount it to a board as it is a high power radio and gets hot... you don't want the carpet blocking the air flow... it has a vent that looks like a speaker ..but it's for air.. so use the factory bracket and screw it to a board and put it under your seat....
this is my CS-47 video my CS-47 video
Mower Junkie does a great video ( mine are terrible )


Premium Subscriber
Jun 2, 2019
Maybe thinking of the Stryker SR-94HPC. Same chassis as the RT-95 dual-bander. Spec's at 45 watts, easy to do 11m mod. About $140 US.

If I used AM or FM, I'd probably have one of these in my car.


Jan 10, 2025
the Radioddity CS-47 is tiny and works pretty good. it's only $76.00

Thanks again. Look at the case, it's almost the exact same case as the Mini (just an observation.) The video is fine BTW, just not sure if handheld controls will work for me especially driving (I have regular shout-fests with my phone to my wife's delight . . . )

The more I look at it the more I'm thinking the Cobra 6 Ultra is just a rebranded Cobra Mini. Cobra doesn't even have it on their site.

Maybe thinking of the Stryker SR-94HPC.

This could work by the depth is a little big for the space. The Cobras above are just over 4" (without cable connections)


Active Member
Apr 28, 2023
Thanks again. Look at the case, it's almost the exact same case as the Mini (just an observation.) The video is fine BTW, just not sure if handheld controls will work for me especially driving (I have regular shout-fests with my phone to my wife's delight . . . )

The more I look at it the more I'm thinking the Cobra 6 Ultra is just a rebranded Cobra Mini. Cobra doesn't even have it on their site.

This could work by the depth is a little big for the space. The Cobras above are just over 4" (without cable connections)
I like cobra... But have not had good luck lately... My brand new handheld hh50 just died only used it a few times. In 9 months.... I would watch this video and see if you like this radio... It's CHEAP and it looks like mower junkie got over 10 watts with it
If you get it make SURE YOU BUY THE PRO... 606 PRO


Jan 10, 2025

It's a little big (yes that's an oxymoron) 125 x 162 X 45mm = 4.9" x 6.37" x 1.77". The space under the ashtray, or even if I cut out below it, is around 5" w x 1.5" h X 6", not including cabling so it's going to be tight no matter what.


Jan 13, 2024
Green Bay
These are excellent little rigs that are the size of a Uniden 510/520 with a ton more features if you don't need a radio with SSB. Wait for it to go on sale. Generally drops to $89.99. Also super easy (jumper) to modify if you want a bunch more channels/bands.
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