I just got a Uniden BCD536HP and for some reason, I cannot pick up anything on the PAWMCo system. I'm getting other transmissions on other systems, but not this one. Could very well be user error - I'm new to this scanner - but anyone have any suggestions on what I could check?
Welcome to the Texas Forum and RadioReference.
There are several things that can trip you up when trying to monitor. The most common, for those using a database scanner such as the 536HP, is Service Types. When the scanner is first shipped, only the 'Dispatch' types for Public Safety are enabled: Law Dispatch, Fire Dispatch, EMS Dispatch, and Multi-Dispatch. You should also enable the
Tac and
Talk service types. For example, besides Law Dispatch, also enable Law Tac & Law Talk. Enable those as well for Fire, EMS, & Multi.
Are you scanning a Favorites list that you created, or just using the main database, your location, range, and Service Types? If using a Favorites list, did you create it manually by adding system details? Or, by appending systems from the main database? As
KE5 has already suggested, if using a Favorites list, post it so that we can help by reviewing it. To post a list, first you need to export it from Sentinel into an *.hpe file. Click on Export under the drop-down File menu in Sentinel. Pick the list to export, and note where the file is saved on your PC. Using Windows Explorer (File Explorer on Windows 10), go to the folder where your file is saved. <Right><Click> on your file, which creates a pop-up menu. From that menu, select "Send to", which takes you to a smaller sub menu. Choose 'Send to Compressed (zipped) folder'. That will create a zipped file, which can then be attached to a message here in the forums.
If you are only using location and the main database, did you install Sentinel, update it's database, then connect your scanner to your PC & write the updated data to the scanner? When the scanner is shipped, as well as when Sentinel is initially installed, the database in the scanner and software is likely a year or more out of date. If you are using a really old database, it's probable that it was created before Collin County fully moved over to PAWMco.
Also, both the original PAWM site as well as the newer PAWMco site are Simulcast. Simulcast systems have multiple transmit tower locations, all using the same frequency to transmit the same talkgroup. As there are at varying distance from you, they arrive at your scanner 'out of sync', which can be severe enough to hinder your ability to monitor.
A more complete discussion of Simulcast is in the Wiki:
Simulcast digital distortion - The RadioReference Wiki
What is your location in the Collin County area? Not your address, but a nearby major road intersection or shopping center would help to see if simulcast might be a problem/.