You would need a radio capable of 800mhz P25 phase II, Motorola CPS and associated hardware for programming said radio, the system key for their TRS, a system ID for your radio so it can affiliate properly, and a KVL/appropriate cable for the radio. Oh, forgot the encryption key for their system so you can load it into the key loader. Did I forget anything else? Off the top of my head I see about $6,000, minimum, to purchase all this equipment but, I may be wrong.
Let's say you have all this equipment but not the encryption key, system key, or the system ID for your radio. Getting these three VERY needed items will be impossible. Since 9/11, some States have enacted laws pertaining to illegal use of law enforcement frequencies and prosecute these crimes as acts of terrorism. If you affiliate on their system, without permission or use a pirated ID, you would be doing just that. But, if, and when, you are capable of successfully breaking their encryption, programming the radio, and affiliating on their system without getting caught, I would be VERY interested in learning how you did it. Oh, and contact the NSA for a job too... you might be able to name your price during employment negotiations.
What I'm saying is that you're going to need lot's of money, time, and technical skills to accomplish what you want to do.
BTW, do some research on U.S. laws pertaining to decrypting encrypted communications before you devote your time to it.