I use Macs also; never had a problem programming my radios. Assuming you have an Intel MacBook and not one of the new M1-based models, all you need is a valid Windows install disk or image, and a virtualization program; I use VMWare but you can get Virtual Box free.
If your MacBook is a new M1 model, you'll be better off buying a cheap Windows laptop; Intel-based operating systems won't run virtually on the M1 line (I have an M1 Mac Mini at home and found out the hard way it won't work for this; fortunately I have a 2019 Intel MacBook Pro).
And I should qualify that; running an app called UTM allows you to run Intel-based operating systems, but as an emulator rather than virtualization. It works, but it's a tad slow.
A Site is the tower with the frequencies on it; within the scanner, sites are part of a system and once entered you really don't need to mess with them. A department is basically a scan list of talkgroups.
The hierarchy for Uniden scanners is Favorite>System>Department; sites just kind of lurk in the background.
Assuming you have a quick key assigned to your favorite list and a quick key assigned to each system, you would then assign a separate quick key to each department. Departments are enabled/disabled by pressing the numeric keys corresponding to the quick key numbers.
For example, assuming that your Columbus favorite list is Favorite QK1, the Columbus City system is System QK1, and you have CFD Battalion 7 set up as Department QK7, simply press 1.1.7/yes, and you'll toggle Department 7 off (or on).
Take a look at the Easier to Read Manual; very helpful.
Easier to Read SDS100/200 Digital Scanner Manual
I have my Columbus favorite list with Departments 1-20 set up for the first 20 zones of the CFD radio template; Departments 21-25 correspond to CPD Zones 1-5, etc.
Department 1 - CFD Battalion 1
Department 2 - CFD Battalion 2
Department 3 - CFD Battalion 3
Department 4 - CFD Battalion 4
Department 5 - CFD Battalion 5
Department 6 - CFD Battalion 6
Department 7 - CFD Battalion 7
Department 8 - CFD Battalion 8
Department 9 - CFD EMS Zone 9
Department 10 - CFD Fire Zone 10
Department 11 - Hospitals
Department 12 - CFD Training
Department 13 - CFD Training
Department 14 - Emergency Fireground/Airports
Department 15 - Westerville FD
Department 16 - MEC Center
Department 17 - Misc
Department 18 - Southwest Fire
Department 19 -
THE Ohio State University
Department 20 - CFD Emergency backup talkgroups
Department 21 - CPD Zone 1
Department 22 - CPD Zone 2
Department 23 - CPD Zone 3
Department 24 - CPD Zone 4
Department 25 - CPD Zone 5
Needless to say, putting all that stuff in the radio is
way easier with a computer.