Newbie_scanr said:
My uncle gave me a Uniden BCD996t which he bought about 3 weeks ago. Any help as to how I need to program this thing will be greatly appreciated. I don't know much about ID's and things like that but I am a very fast learner and I am very keen. PLEASE any help will be greatly appreciated.
This link is a great place to start
Easier to Read BCD996T/UBCD996T Manual
Next, these may help:
Uniden DMA FAQ
There isn't much info in our database on your
area, so I trust you have other sources. A digital scanner may be overkill. Basically, at least one system and one group must exist. A system is like a folder on your PC. Groups are like sub folders under the system folder. You Could put all your frequencies in the one group, but just as folders help you organize data on your PC, systems do the same thing. One very simple example is to have a system for your Area Under the area system, you might have a groups for Police, Fire, & EMS.
I recommend you get software. It will help you understand all this, and make the job a lot easier.,
Here is a list of software: My favorite is ARC996 by BuTel. It allows a automatic download of any or all frequencies in your county and state from this site, and sets up trunking TGID's & para's(this is a big help). It has a neat virtual control panel that works your scanner from the keyboard., but the best part is that it logs all the information(freq & PL) and lets you see your scanner window in a much larger scale that you can actually see clearly. The logging is great when searching, but it is also handy for normal scanning. Often, I do not look up in time to see what agency was just talking, so I just look at the log. See the the examples on their web site You can download it on a free trial basis to see if you like it.
There are also free programs, such as FreeSCAN and BCtool, that do the same thing. Uniden also has free software, called UASD, but it does not download from this site, and does not have any logging and controls. Also, if you have a new PC or lap top, you will need a serial to USB converter from Uniden or Radio Shack: . Another source is, for quite a bit less. It is reported to work.
Note: You would need to become a paid subscriber to this site to get the automatic down loads, but this would not be value-added, since there is nothing for your area.