In the ancient times , mobiles used to be programmed for off hook monitor.Not trying to be an ass but have an honest question ... doesn't the use of a tone squelch on a channel "render the listen before talk etiquette ineffective and undermines the basic structure of this service"? If you have a tone set on your radio for a channel that doesn't match other's, you will have no idea if someone else is talking before you as your radio will effectively ignore incoming signals if the tone doesn't match or is absent.
But even in the commercial world, that really isn’t done these days, at least in these woods as EVERY commercial pair is shared. You wouldn’t be able to transmit due to all the IPSC beacons, and over saturation of licenses on frequencies.
Trying to operate like that on GMRS is not possible, for the simple fact of bubble packs on every channel. Kids being kids etc.