Would it stand a simply inquiry by informed (amateur radio licensees, other city/county managers, etc) citizens of Conyers? Citizens of Conyers: this is such a "red flag decision" that no citizen of the city should sit by quietly without demanding a second review by a citizen review board."
Mike, sad to say but most people in this hobby don't seem to care.
I mean, we have people who have in their signature line on these forums that they "pay their mortgage selling encryption" so what makes you think people will take their time to put together and INFORMED comment and take the time and effort to contact these officials or go to the public meetings?
I can tell you from personal experience. Back in 2005 when my county went on their spending spree number two of xxx insisting on replacing our fully functional and then supported Smartnet II system with phase 1 (only to be replaced with phase 2 not even 7 years later), I attended a public meeting and commented. NO ONE else from the then "Scan Cobb" community bothered to show.
Plenty of complaints but no one other than myself and my cohort attended.
But at the end of the day, does it really matter? These corrupt SOB's are going to do what they want with our money and there is little if anything we can do about it. The corruption runs so deep and money flows from vendor, to consult, to elected/appointed official and back again.
Meanwhile our taxes continue to increase, while the level of services we receive continue to decrease.
We're short 100 officers in my county- 100 officers. Yet we're building a stadium, constant construction projects rubber stamped, and new shiny toys.
As I've said before, it's all about priorities. It is crystal clear that what we say as citizens is not a priority to those who are spending our money. Zero accountability and zero responsibility on part of those who we entrust to serve us.
So it's no wonder why no one bothers to show up to those meetings. And even when some of us do make the effort to show up and exercise our constitutional right to be on the public record, we get silenced:
Opponents Barred From Speaking As Cobb County Approves Braves Stadium