• To anyone looking to acquire commercial radio programming software:

    Please do not make requests for copies of radio programming software which is sold (or was sold) by the manufacturer for any monetary value. All requests will be deleted and a forum infraction issued. Making a request such as this is attempting to engage in software piracy and this forum cannot be involved or associated with this activity. The same goes for any private transaction via Private Message. Even if you attempt to engage in this activity in PM's we will still enforce the forum rules. Your PM's are not private and the administration has the right to read them if there's a hint to criminal activity.

    If you are having trouble legally obtaining software please state so. We do not want any hurt feelings when your vague post is mistaken for a free request. It is YOUR responsibility to properly word your request.

    To obtain Motorola software see the Sticky in the Motorola forum.

    The various other vendors often permit their dealers to sell the software online (i.e., Kenwood). Please use Google or some other search engine to find a dealer that sells the software. Typically each series or individual radio requires its own software package. Often the Kenwood software is less than $100 so don't be a cheapskate; just purchase it.

    For M/A Com/Harris/GE, etc: there are two software packages that program all current and past radios. One package is for conventional programming and the other for trunked programming. The trunked package is in upwards of $2,500. The conventional package is more reasonable though is still several hundred dollars. The benefit is you do not need multiple versions for each radio (unlike Motorola).

    This is a large and very visible forum. We cannot jeopardize the ability to provide the RadioReference services by allowing this activity to occur. Please respect this.

Could my radio be taken from me?

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Dec 23, 2010
Now that You Scared the S--T out of The New Poster With the Answers That were Left--

My guess it was stolen from Motorola, from either someone that went to training or from staging maybe.

Lets Maybe Start Off as This Particular Radio was Bought from a Govt Surplus Auction and Changed Many Hands--Right Away This was Said--Yes he Went to a Junk Fest as He Said---How Many Of You Go to The Fests and Buy Stuff--Right Away People Jump Down this Persons Throat Because he Didnt Get a Recipt--Most of the Sellers at a Junk Fest Dont Give Recipts---

as for the Label on the Radio---Did Anyone Ever Think that the Radios are Out of Contract and the Districs / county / states owned Them Now and Went to the Auction Block

How could you be so [and I'm being polite here] gullible to fall for that out, & out lie? Bet you don't have a bill of sale, or seller's contact info either. Does it have a serial number decal? How could you bring a radio to a Motorola dealer that says Property of Motorola? You may get it back, but I wouldn't hold my breath.

Why Tear Into Him Like That--Maybe He Thought He was Doing the Right Thing Since his Friend Couldnt get the Radio Programmed--Remember this was his 1st Post --its Persons like you to give a bad Taste in his mouth about this Site with these kind of answers

as for the Radio Itself--Yes it Might be a Brick and Decommissioned by the Dept / State or Whoever had it Last before the Sale into Public Hands

by the Way here is a Link to the Govt Auctions Site


GO to this Section---->>>>
(IN the Letter C Listing)--Communication/Electronic Equipment - 165 items
(IN the Letter F Listing)--Fire and Police Equipment - 199 items

With the info provided in the OP in post #1, I don't think any of us were incorrect in assuming it was stolen.

Glad the OP chimed back in!
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Dec 23, 2010
Well, I hate to disappoint you all, but it's an XPR 7550. What is "expensive" to me is probably chump change to most of y'all. There's no way I'm forking over $2K even for a brutally ALT-program abused APX without serious documentation and knowledge that it works 100%.

No,, the XPR7550 is not exactly an APX.

But I hate to disappoint you.
This radio still could have been stolen from Motorola (MSI) and obviously had belonged to Motorola solutions at one time.

The "solutions" it what tells me it was probably a recent radio with them. They changed there name in 2011. I imagine it took them awhile to update the property of tags to add "solutions". Not sure when the XPR7550 came out (total guess) maybe 2014/15. Although it does not really matter when the XPR7550 was released. You can tell when the radio was manufactured, even if tags are removed from a radio.

My point is, Just because it is an XPR7550 does not mean it was not stolen. (hopefully your in the clear though)

I doubt that radio would have been in an auction already, its not that old.

It not an XPR7550e is it?

I am not trying to scare you, just want you to be aware, as you yourself got suspicious. Or you would not have posted here asking the question.

As far as programming, some have had issues with Win10. Not a CPS issue that I know of.
In the mean time, have you tried windows 7 or 8?
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May 21, 2014
Gentlemen, we officially have a soap opera! Tune in tomorrow when the new forum user gets his door kicked in by the local police, escorted by Motorola legal. ipfd320, thank you for standing up for someone who didn't fully grasp the circumstances at first.

Be glad you didn't ask "what's the best antenna" or "what's the best scanner"--those threads get very brutal.

[/QUOTE]In the mean time, perhaps someone can suggest why an XPR 7550 isn't being recognized as a Network Device by Win 10, even when using the correct PMKN4012B cable? (We tried CPS 13,14,and 15).[/QUOTE]

I've not programmed these radios...I did a quick internet search for XPR 7550 CPS and did get a few hits on programming trouble. There was something talking about drivers and going to pinging the radio. Just poke around the web and see what you find...do try Win 7 as suggested as big M software is picky.


Premium Subscriber
Nov 18, 2017
Phx, AZ


Silent Key
Premium Subscriber
Sep 20, 2006
S.E. Michigan

I was at a hamfest last week and bought a really nice Motorola handheld. I got it to a friend with a legal copy of their CPS who said he was sure he had the right cable, but couldn't seem to get his PC to recognize it.

Stupidly, I took it to a local Motorola dealer and asked them to look at it and see if it was damaged (it boots and TX/RX work fine, it just isn't responding to his programming attempts). Only thing...on the face it says "Property of Motorola Solutions". The guy who sold it to me was a dealer from another state. He said it was scrap that he was authorized to sell. I am now questioning how a radio with that face plate got on the open market, and worse, if the dealer will decide to not give it back to me, saying it belongs to the mothership.

Is it possible I could lose a radio I paid a fair amount for, or is this radio likely legitimate?

I don't think you have anything to worry about. I own a revolver that says "Property of Detroit Police'. I own a transceiver that says 'Property of United States Government'

It's very common for equipment/gear to be sold to the public with such markings.


Mar 1, 2003
Sure, when they’re old surplus. The 7550 is hardly old surplus. And it did not say property of Atlanta FD. It said property of Motorola.


Silent Key
Premium Subscriber
Sep 20, 2006
S.E. Michigan
Sure, when they’re old surplus. The 7550 is hardly old surplus. And it did not say property of Atlanta FD. It said property of Motorola.

I see that now! I'm not familiar with newer Motorola radios. Nicey Pricey!

Did the seller give you an appropriate bill of sale on his company letter head/invoice?

I think if I were the OP, I'd be contacting the dealer(?)/seller and asking for a refund. If they refused without a legitimate explanation, I'd tell the seller I'm going to contact the police, or would he like to do it the easy way! ;)


Mar 1, 2003
My friend was in a similar situation once. He bought a XPR6550, & the seller programmed it for him. The buyer did not have CPS, so a year later he asked me to program a few freq’s for him. I could not read his radio, but yet read my identical radio a minute later. He sent the radio to the seller, who was able to add the freq’s the buyer needed. To this day, neither the buyer, seller, or I know why only he could program that radio, while I have been able to program dozens of other radios. So anytime he needs programming [once a year] he sends it to the seller.


Feb 23, 2013
New York City
Generally Not even worth the bandwidth to run it thru TRACE
a. Did the LE/CJ Agency even enter it into NCIC
b. Did someone report it via the PD to Trace [Boston no longer participates]
c. Most people don't know a Serial # from a Model # - hell 90% of stolen phones are reported with a Serial number of AREACODE-Prefix-number
d. NCIC article records - with the exception of Law Enforcement, Critical Infrastructure and Homeland Security Items will be only avail for the rest of the current year Plus 1 Year - then they get purged.

Most two way radios tend to be own by public safety and large corporations, if they're stolen they will come up hot on the database. A few years ago a nutjob stole a fleet of radios from a fire department in NJ, they came up on ebay and was later in the hands of Dan (snarlingbiddog on ebay/youtube) he contacted the authorities and the seller was arrested and charged and the radios were returned.

So yeah most consumer electronics wont make it on the database if stolen but radios tend to do and its a useful tool before you throw down your hard earned cash on a radio. If its too good to be true, it probably is.


Sep 28, 2003
My friend was in a similar situation once. He bought a XPR6550, & the seller programmed it for him. The buyer did not have CPS, so a year later he asked me to program a few freq’s for him. I could not read his radio, but yet read my identical radio a minute later. He sent the radio to the seller, who was able to add the freq’s the buyer needed. To this day, neither the buyer, seller, or I know why only he could program that radio, while I have been able to program dozens of other radios. So anytime he needs programming [once a year] he sends it to the seller.

Probably a different region CPS.


Mar 26, 2018
It not an XPR7550e is it?

Nope, just a plain ol' 7550. I was able to contact the seller today, and he recommended a particular version of CPS that I believe my friend can download, so I'm off to see if we can give that a try.

I didn't think Win 10 would have something to do with it, but perhaps you're right. I've heard something about unsigned drivers being an issue for people, but the CPS drivers did appear to install correctly (we tried re-installing them). I would have thought the operating system would have at least complained somehow when we tried to install unsigned or incompatible drivers, but it didn't make a peep. Still, it's worth a try on Win 7.


Apr 3, 2008
NB, Canada
Not sure if it was mentioned anywhere in those messages but did you post or check the firmware version on the label and make sure it’s not developmental firmware, I had purchased a radio from some one awhile back that had developmental firmware in it and my software couldn’t read or write it. Also your code plug version may be too old for the latest release of Mototrbo software so downloading an archived version and performing a firmware update may fix the issue also the version of programming cable may be the issue. These are just a few things that come to mind, Good luck hope you get it working.


Millennial Graying OBT Guy
Jun 16, 2013
Nope, just a plain ol' 7550. I was able to contact the seller today, and he recommended a particular version of CPS that I believe my friend can download, so I'm off to see if we can give that a try.

I didn't think Win 10 would have something to do with it, but perhaps you're right. I've heard something about unsigned drivers being an issue for people, but the CPS drivers did appear to install correctly (we tried re-installing them). I would have thought the operating system would have at least complained somehow when we tried to install unsigned or incompatible drivers, but it didn't make a peep. Still, it's worth a try on Win 7.

XPR7550's are actually a discontinued product (it has been replaced by the XPR7550e). TRBO CPS is actually quite picky about firmware revisions so an old enough firmware can not be read current CPS. In a similar methodology, the AN revision of the APX6000 has also been discontinued...but those radios have also been out since 2012.


Dec 23, 2010
If you look on gov auctions site there are current model APX 6000 listed... so yep it totally could be

That's why I said "doubt" which is not an absolute term.

Why would Motorola Solutions put 7550/s for auction on a Gov auction site? (Not a sarcastic question, I don't know)


Nov 8, 2012
The "solutions" it what tells me it was probably a recent radio with them. They changed there name in 2011. I imagine it took them awhile to update the property of tags to add "solutions". Not sure when the XPR7550 came out (total guess) maybe 2014/15. Although it does not really matter when the XPR7550 was released. You can tell when the radio was manufactured, even if tags are removed from a radio.

How can you tell when a radio was manufactured if it lacks a tag and you can't read it?

Why did you buy this radio when the seller told you it was "scrap" with your limited knowledge of Motorola radios? Would you do the same thing with a car if the seller told you it was scrap? If you want to throw money around, why not just buy a legitimate radio? The XPR7550s aren't that expensive compared to other tiers.

Yes, if your radio is stolen property, the legitimate owner can seize it, again; no different from a car. If it is stolen, you have no right to be in possession of it.

Stop being stupid and buying stuff you know nothing about.


Oct 6, 2017
How can you tell when a radio was manufactured if it lacks a tag and you can't read it?

Why did you buy this radio when the seller told you it was "scrap" with your limited knowledge of Motorola radios? Would you do the same thing with a car if the seller told you it was scrap? If you want to throw money around, why not just buy a legitimate radio? The XPR7550s aren't that expensive compared to other tiers.

Yes, if your radio is stolen property, the legitimate owner can seize it, again; no different from a car. If it is stolen, you have no right to be in possession of it.

Stop being stupid and buying stuff you know nothing about.

Come on now, why don't you stop holding back/beating around the bush etc. and just start telling us bluntly how you really feel?

(can't we keep this civil?)

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