oh yeah, i know compucom and eds. we had massive cross-pollination with those companies. atos was located in a halliburton bunker off bowen rd next to the parks mall. it was like 1-3' concrete, so there wasn't any listening to be had from there except for mall security.
and i have about 3 dozen ht antennas i've compiled over the years. lost a dozen or two in the recent move along with several radios. i mean, they're in boxes somewhere, but i can't get to them.
long ago i found a little jewel of an antenna for dfw area--the radio shack 800mhz antenna. it became a legend. i have one because it's been permanent mounted to my now retired 396xt. but i saw just the other day that radio shack online has them onsale for $24. amazon has only one and wants $36. many say it's a little 'deaf' on high band, but i found it plenty good enough for 140-170 use. anyone who concentrates on 700-900mhz ought to pick one up before they're completely gone. scanner master sells a couple of watson look-alikes, but they just aren't the same and are around $30-40.
btw, about the same time r/s released the 800mhz antenna, they released a uhf race antenna designed to only pick up uhf from about a 1-2 mile range. it was even smaller than a bog-standard tiny duck and in my rf-soaked environment i found it extremely useful in certain situations and locations. you can still get these--they proved quite popular with the nascar crowd.
btw, the factory 436 antenna picks up 162.400mhz better than any of the antennas i've tried on it so far. not sure what that means though ....
others i plan to use with it include ones i'm going to use on my new kenwood d74:
* a laboratory monitor stainless telescoping whip with a bnc connector.
* a watson telescoping such as you mention with marks for various bands. from the looks of the diamond at the link, i suspect they are clones. i know this one is good because it's on my dc-to-daylight icom r20!
* a comet tri-band (ht-224) which also covers several ranges of bands on receive.
* a diamond rh77ca. i have at least 3 variations of this one.
at atos i was a member of a 4-person network analysis team not counting our boss, the network manager who kept us apprised of things on the horizon, so we knew the outsourcing was coming. tony even made a 3-week trip to india to scope out the scenario. i was 61 and already saving and planning for when it happened, but i was hoping i could make it to retirement, and that didn't happen. the worst part was we had to train our replacements and a group of more clueless idiots i've never encountered. letting them loose on some of our huge and security-paranoid accounts such as global banks seemed like unleashing isis on them. but they did it and i got outsourced into the dammed government shutdown and then the gop followed up by aborting my unemployment. they made a lifetime enemy of me, the va had lost my records, and the aca computer system was so terrible it took me, a savvy computer professional, 3 months to just get an account, then 3 more months because blue cross was just as overwhelmed.
it wasn't pretty. i spent two years trying to get on disability and into the va and had no income and of course the texas republicans did all they could to keep the aca from working--no medicaid and the 34 republican doctors here in abilene wouldn't take my insurance card. the hospital, which they run, still won't take it. anyway, after 3 tries and two years i finally got on disability which got me onto medicare and full socsec retirement and about that time the va let me in. a little bit--i still can't get on military disability because the records from the aircraft carrier they say are gone, so i have to pay for a lot of services. but by then i'd drained my 401k trying to fix this trailer house which was the worst single mistake of my life.
never too old to live and learn i guess. but despite me being completely apolitical all my life, now i have domestic terrorists to fight--the gop--who have tried to kill me since i lost my job. and are busy now trying to kill the rest of you. those without money, i mean.
here's the watson antenna i have on my r20: