Thanks for the additional info. Is all of this listed somewhere we would have access to, or is this just from your experience? It might be nice to have the coverage on the highways available, even if not in a map.
I was a dispatcher for Troop I for a few years prior to becoming a career firefighter. The coverage areas are the same since I left there, I still am in contact with a lot of my former co-workers so I can ask to verify some things.
When they made Troop G as "Super Troop" and moved the barracks from Westport to Bridgeport, that is when DOT started putting in the camera coverage. So the decision was made for Troop G to cover from the NY boarder up to the Branford / Guilford line and up to Exit 3 (including the ramps) on I-91.
Administratively, all the New Haven County town from Milford to East Haven are still covered by Troop I. So if there is an alarm / incident at the State Courthouse in New Haven, Troop I sends a trooper to handle the call. For Major Crime, Detectives come out of the nearest troop for Major Crime in the District when requested. Same thing for Troop F with Branford.
Troop H covers I-91 to the Meriden / Middletown Line instead of Troop F for obvious reasons as Troop F cannot get there quickly for coverage. As for Route 9 I cannot remember where the cutoff is since Cromwell is in Troop H's area and Middletown is Troop F. I think it around the interchange with I-91 but I would have to verify this since I cannot remember.
Route 15 Is Troop G from the NY line up to the Milford / Stratford line and covers the Sikorsky Bridge. Troop I takes over in Milford (including the Milford Connector) up to the Meriden Route 15 / Route 5 merge where the expressway ends.
I-691 is covered all by Troop I from the interchange at I-84 to it ends at Route 66. This is another trade off since its easier for Troop I to cover all of it instead of Troop A and F.
Troop F Covers I-95 from Branford / Guilford line to the Old Lyme / East Lyme line, then Troop E takes over to to the RI state-line. Troop E also covers I-395 to Exit 21 / 22 where Troop D take over.
For most of the rest of the highways, the cut offs are pretty cut and dry as to what troop covers what highway. The lines are outlined by the coverage map showing their boundaries. The ones I listed above are the out of the norm cut-offs.
Also a good thing to mention is the Districts, which are simple. Western District includes Troops A, G, L & B, Central District includes HQ (because its located in the district that's all), I, F, H (old Troop W is now under Troop H), and Eastern District includes Troops E, K, C & D. All the Traffic Squads, Truck Squads, etc, report the their district not a troop. So listening to those district TG's can be interesting at times.
Hope this helps you out.