Ct state police phase 1 or 2?

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Dec 13, 2010
A good chunk of the CT Transit Talk Groups are also TDMA Phase 2.
Not sure if they will all go TDMA. Some people complain of TDMA losing voice quality. Police will be the first to complain if they did as clarity is very important for their communication. Also, with some sites having 12+ frequencies..which is overkill.... TDMA could double that-ish (Some are TDMA now so say 20 "slots"). Still overkill.
Here's a screenshot of Site I and Site A simulcast right now. One TG active LOL. I see two often... three on rare occasions... almost never 4 in use at once.

You might want to read up on channel loading, 12 channels on FDMA gives you 11 talk paths, Not close to enough when you understand how loading works.

During the day Troop I and Troop G systems do 8 or 9 conversations at the same time, last week I was in Waterbury and troop A had 8 going
Now add DOT (Coming soon) during a snow storm or large weather event along with everything else, or in the summer during a big thunder storm with the Encon PD, Parks and what not adding to it. The goal is not to have a busy that kills someone, so no 22 talk paths when it goes full TDMA wont be "Overkill" it will be "Safe"


May 31, 2017
You might want to read up on channel loading, 12 channels on FDMA gives you 11 talk paths, Not close to enough when you understand how loading works.

During the day Troop I and Troop G systems do 8 or 9 conversations at the same time, last week I was in Waterbury and troop A had 8 going
Now add DOT (Coming soon) during a snow storm or large weather event along with everything else, or in the summer during a big thunder storm with the Encon PD, Parks and what not adding to it. The goal is not to have a busy that kills someone, so no 22 talk paths when it goes full TDMA wont be "Overkill" it will be "Safe"
Plus Bloomfield, New Britain, Haddam, Middlefield, Middletown, Cheshire BOE, Connecticut Airport Authority, Estuary Transit, Norwalk Transit, Middlesex Paramedics, Trumbull, Willington, Willimantic, Norwich, CT Liquor Enforcement, and DMHAS Police are going to be on the state system this year too.


Premium Subscriber
Nov 4, 2016
I live in Southington. I've programmed both scanners using the same PC. When testing afterwards, I used the same outdoor antenna for both scanners. I haven't put the mobile scanner back in my car yet because I'm still pounding my head against the wall trying to figure out what the problem is. Both scanners had no problem with CSP with the old system. Both have the same firmware versions. I've been going back and forth repeatedly checking side by side for anything in the setup for the data entered or the scanner setups that may be different. I cannot find anything, yet the base scanner picks up CSP without a problem. The one used as my mobile, hooked up to the same base antenna, gets nothing with the new CSP data entered.

If it makes anyone in this thread feel any better, the full database version of the new CLMRN does not work from my apartment at my location on any of my scanners. It does start to work if I drive a half a mile up the road in either direction, which is beyond frustrating. The three units I have tested this with are the BCD325P2, SDS100, and SDS200. I don't even bother trying with my HPII or any other older units.

Luckily, a custom Favorite's List that someone gave me allows me to hear CLMRN from home. So, as someone said above, it's definitely one of those head scratching things. If something in this location was preventing the receiving of CLMRN, you would think that it would not matter if the information came from the RR database or a custom list if the frequencies are all the same.

But yet, here we are. I'm just thankful I can hear it on my SDS100 and SDS200 from home, since the state PD are what handles all of the surrounding towns for the most part.


Dec 9, 2017
Southington, CT
I live in Southington. I've programmed both scanners using the same PC. When testing afterwards, I used the same outdoor antenna for both scanners. I haven't put the mobile scanner back in my car yet because I'm still pounding my head against the wall trying to figure out what the problem is. Both scanners had no problem with CSP with the old system. Both have the same firmware versions. I've been going back and forth repeatedly checking side by side for anything in the setup for the data entered or the scanner setups that may be different. I cannot find anything, yet the base scanner picks up CSP without a problem. The one used as my mobile, hooked up to the same base antenna, gets nothing with the new CSP data entered.
My SDS100 comes in and works perfect in Southington in Plantsville area not far from Center St no problem. I get Troop A Simulcast, Troop I Simulcast, Troop H Simulcast, and Troop H Simulcast no problem near windows inside a house first floor. Interior rooms are a bit tough. Outside amazing. Using a direction Yagi, in addition to those, I can get Hartford, Troop G, Troop B sites as well, Troop F a little weak, Wallingford, Waterbury, West Hartford.

As other stated, you really need a custom favorite list. Add CLMRN, remove or Avoid and Talk Groups or Departments you dont want. Then go through and delete all but the Control Channels from each site. I would recomend making one favorite for whatever site is strongest for you, probably H or I, and another with 3-4 nearby. You can switch off using them and see what works best.
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