Thanks, much easier to provide a better formulated Response, knowing a location
Since the Topic was Federal, I will keep it there, others local might have more Non Federal input
Federal Courts - you will find the Court Security Officers [CSO] generally in the 170.7000 - 170.8500 Range
You should be able to hear ICE in your area, they maintain a Wide-Area [Possibly it is Vote Scan] Network [approx 12+ Repeaters] Your nearest is might be Waterloo
they all should be using a NAC of $791
Being near Des Moines, how about FPS in the 400 Band and when Winter leaves [might be winter traffic] see what the ACoE [Army Corp of Engineers] is using in VHF
All notes for Des Moines Area
Add to this Civil Air Patrol in VHF [148.125 or 148.150]
Air National Guard - VHF
TSA - VHF [if near the Airport]
USPS Inspectors - UHF [generally ENC]
USPS Sorting Facilities - UHF
and then also the VA Hospital VHF and UHF
About 40 miles NNE of Des Moines. Actually have 3 decent size systems I monitor. RACOM mostly EDACS ,Provoice although not much anymore ,most of LE have moved to the P25 systems (700/800mhz). Also the Iowa Statewide System (ISICS), P1 and P2 radios in use, and the Central Iowa Regional Public Safety Communications System (CIRPSCS) also P1 and P2 radios in use. Various surrounding counties use anything from analog VHF/UHF to single P25 VHF and P25 VHF systems. Partial encryption is used on some of them. A diverse area for listening as far as types go . And of course the multi-state power company is DMR tier 3 , as are the state prisons. And of course the curse word phrase is used often also, "call me on my c-phone"
ICE and U.S.Marshals are in my area quite a bit , our new jail is a pickup center for holds. Mike