Current NH state Police Freq.

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May 30, 2005
Just making sure I have this right.

The terminal sends out a transmision, and the dispatcher talks back to that unit?

What I am trying to say is that I hear what sounds like voice encrypted tx by a unit, but the dispatcher answers back in P25 not encrypted making it so you can only hear what the dispatcher is saying and not the unit. That is what I am saying.


Feb 24, 2001

In order for the dispatch center to receive and decode an encrypted P25 transmission, an encryption module needs to be installed in the DIU of the base receiving unit. There are no encryption modules installed now, or planned for in the immediate future, for the resources you cite.

I monitor the sites you mention on a daily basis utilizing a variety of off the shelf scanners (Radio Shack 96 & 2096 and Uniden 796) and with professional equipment including the Motorola 3000 & 5000 Series II portables and the mobile Spectra series. Recently I have also added the ability to monitor using the new mobile XTL 2500/5000 series mobiles. The scanners, due to their inherent design limitations, on occasion lose sync with mobile radios (and on occasion with the base side) and cannot discriminate voice from data. The Motorola radios however stay in complete sync wiith the data train, as one would expect. It is easy for the novice to be confused by the anomalies and believe the result is encryption. This is not the case.

Oh, the reason encryption is not widespread in NH?

Mainly cost. There are still hundreds if not several thousand radios that must be secured, especially on the fire & rescue side, to build out the statewide interoperable system. There has simply not been enough federal dollars secured yet to complete the purchases. As always, it always comes down to cost....
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