Yesterday I have ordered a Airspy HF+ Discovery here is why.
Last Thursday I ordered a YouLoop to see how my first order was going to go and to test it on my RSP1a and RSP1b. It arrived Yesterday. That order went well.
My test of the YouLoop on the RSP1a and RSP1b revealed a truth. The YouLoop requires a very hot front-end SDR. The only one I could think was the Airspy HF+ Discovery. The test showed the RSP1a and RSP1b are really meant for large outdoor antennas or homebrew antennas. The RSP's did well with the MLA 30+ and my home brew center fed 18 foot wire with Nooelec Balun 9:1 by far.
My next test was with my RTL-SDR Blog v4 connected to the YouLoop. Here was the surprise. The RTL-SDR performed better than both RSP's! I am like how? So then it clicked in my mind that the RSP's aren't really super sensitive. After some research the MDS has to be low of 140 or better. So I bit the bullet and made the order at
I want to enjoy my new YouLoop so I had to order the proper SDR for it. That is the Airspy HF+ Discovery. I ordered it yesterday and hoping it arrives by Friday.
My second order with I hope this purchase isn't going to come with regrets.
Last Thursday I ordered a YouLoop to see how my first order was going to go and to test it on my RSP1a and RSP1b. It arrived Yesterday. That order went well.
My test of the YouLoop on the RSP1a and RSP1b revealed a truth. The YouLoop requires a very hot front-end SDR. The only one I could think was the Airspy HF+ Discovery. The test showed the RSP1a and RSP1b are really meant for large outdoor antennas or homebrew antennas. The RSP's did well with the MLA 30+ and my home brew center fed 18 foot wire with Nooelec Balun 9:1 by far.
My next test was with my RTL-SDR Blog v4 connected to the YouLoop. Here was the surprise. The RTL-SDR performed better than both RSP's! I am like how? So then it clicked in my mind that the RSP's aren't really super sensitive. After some research the MDS has to be low of 140 or better. So I bit the bullet and made the order at
I want to enjoy my new YouLoop so I had to order the proper SDR for it. That is the Airspy HF+ Discovery. I ordered it yesterday and hoping it arrives by Friday.
My second order with I hope this purchase isn't going to come with regrets.