Detroit Marks Site of First Police Radio Tuesday, April 15 2008
The city of Detroit (Mich.) has dedicated an historical marker for the nation's first police radio station, at the Belle Isle police station along the Detroit River between the U.S. and Canada. The station began operating April 7, 1928, and it was one-way using the callsign KOP, on a frequency of 1080 KHz and a power of 500 watts. The state's APCO chapter sponsored the marker as part of this week's National Public Safety Telecommunicator Week activities. It was placed on the old stone police station at the island, which resembles a stone castle. Read more about the city's police radio system here.
Dispatch Monthly Magazine
The city of Detroit (Mich.) has dedicated an historical marker for the nation's first police radio station, at the Belle Isle police station along the Detroit River between the U.S. and Canada. The station began operating April 7, 1928, and it was one-way using the callsign KOP, on a frequency of 1080 KHz and a power of 500 watts. The state's APCO chapter sponsored the marker as part of this week's National Public Safety Telecommunicator Week activities. It was placed on the old stone police station at the island, which resembles a stone castle. Read more about the city's police radio system here.
Dispatch Monthly Magazine