Considering the purchase of a new antenna for my PRO-2055. Considering the Diamond Discone D130J, the NilJon Super M Base, and the Radio Shack 20-043 Discone. I would like to eventually mount the antenna on a mast at around 40 feet. Wind, particularly in Winter, is probably my greatest enemy. In Winter, my house seems to be in the Gulag with snow and winds nearly a constant 10 to 15 MPH and occasional gusts that can get up to 35 to 40 MPH. I primarily listen to MilAir on the 138-144 and 225-400 ranges. Occasionally I listen to: 33-47 Local Fire, 119-136 Civil Air, 152-156 Local Fire/Police, 462-464 Local EMS.
Currently, there is not much in the 800mHZ realm in my neck of the woods.
There are some hills in my area, but it is not as though I live in a valley. My elevation is at about 1,970, there is a hilltop at about 2,100 feet approximately 1 mile away from me.
Any opinions or other recommendations? I currently use the Radio Shack 20-176 mounted in the attic. It seems to do ok, but I can only imagine what I am missing.
Currently, there is not much in the 800mHZ realm in my neck of the woods.
There are some hills in my area, but it is not as though I live in a valley. My elevation is at about 1,970, there is a hilltop at about 2,100 feet approximately 1 mile away from me.
Any opinions or other recommendations? I currently use the Radio Shack 20-176 mounted in the attic. It seems to do ok, but I can only imagine what I am missing.