Heres a update on this end fed...
Have moved it a few times, and tried to leave the transformer lower than the tail part but didn't work very well in my situation, so ended up putting the transformer up 32' high on my mast pipe, and it is closer to 2' out away from the metal pipe, as it runs across the front yard to a tree on the edge of the tree line, I used Dacron rope and have this over top of a tree limb, and it drops to 20' on this end, it is all straight in a horizontal position and hangs in a NW to SE directions, and favors the South directions better than anyothers...from what I have read, what ever direction the tail is in, it will favor that direction.....I also, put a plastic bucket on both end and have rocks in them for weight and holes in the bottoms for the water to drain out, just so the wire antenna can move as needed when the winds blow, so far has worked well...
Forgot to mention, I now have roughly 80-100' of RG 213 coax is this, and no signs of RFI in the shack, and neighbors say no problems they have seen either...
It tunes really well, using the internal tuner it tunes 80-6m bands, it does pretty well on all the bands, but haven't had it to perform like I was hoping to yet on 20m, not sure what the problem is, hoping it is just my location I am in, not able to get anymore height in the yard with it, hoping this is the isn't anywhere close to the height the G5RV used to be in...
Couple things I tried with it and didn't seem to work, when I tried to hang little bit coax on the side of the transformer and use a ziptie to hold it up there, just to take some stress of the PL connector area, but that didn't work using the internal tuner, it wouldn't tune the swr, so ended up taking that off and then it tuned the swr fine....all the metal I have in the back yard, I even tried to put the transformer down close to the ground like 4' of so, and put the tail part up 30' off the ground, it still tuned fine like this but didn't do very well, tried moving it several different ways and none helped, this is why I have the transformer up now on the mast at 32' high........not sure what else I can try, without putting it up on the mountains side where the G5RV used to be....well, this is what I have tried so far with mine...