I was listening to a couple of other hams discussing rules about what can be transmitted over ham radio. If I understood correctly, they determined that it was OK to discuss police/fire activity found posted online, but that is would NOT be OK to talk about information heard over a scanner. In particular, a third ham was asking about the policy/fire lights he had seen earlier in the day a few doors down from his house.
I jumped in to clarify my understanding of what rules might be broken by transmitting over ham radio information obtained by listening to a scanner... One of them indicated that it was an Indiana code that dictated as much. I looked for something, but couldn't find it. Of course, interferring with ongoing police activity would be prohibited... Also, I know that ham radio cannot be used to gather/transmitt news to third parties... But I'm still not clear why it wouldn't have been OK to answer the third ham's question if all the information I had was obtained via the scanner.
Any input would be apprecitated. Thanks!
p.s. I'm sure this question will be read by at least one of the ham's I was talking to... I don't want to give you the impression that I think you were/are wrong, I just want to fully understand so I don't accidently end up breaking any laws.
I jumped in to clarify my understanding of what rules might be broken by transmitting over ham radio information obtained by listening to a scanner... One of them indicated that it was an Indiana code that dictated as much. I looked for something, but couldn't find it. Of course, interferring with ongoing police activity would be prohibited... Also, I know that ham radio cannot be used to gather/transmitt news to third parties... But I'm still not clear why it wouldn't have been OK to answer the third ham's question if all the information I had was obtained via the scanner.
Any input would be apprecitated. Thanks!
p.s. I'm sure this question will be read by at least one of the ham's I was talking to... I don't want to give you the impression that I think you were/are wrong, I just want to fully understand so I don't accidently end up breaking any laws.