Disneyland has three major sources of RF:
#1. Trunked radio system
#2. Show/control headsets
#3. Wireless mics.
The trunked system is fairly well documented here. I need to update
my 5years of listening into some coherent notes and update the
The show headsets are all in to 470-490MHz range. They are easy to find
since the output broadcasts an open carrier. These are the ones I know
Parade of the Stars
Electrical Light Parade (DCA)
...there was another headset at DCA used when they had 'Rockin' the Bay.
The wireless mics are all UHF. They use Shure and Senhouser (sp?).
Here is an old document to get a feel for the kind of non-trunked RF:
I wrote this several years ago. Note that the Fantasmic! headsets are
no longer 200MHz band.