Does your board have the pads for C1? They are just above the upper-right battery terminal looking at the main board from the back side.
The hardest part about soldering the capacitor in place (.01 microfarad) is holding it in position. An assistant with steady hands holding it in place while you solder the first joint is helpful. Even using paste solder, if you don't melt the solder on both ends of the capacitor at the same time, the surface tension of the melted solder can move it out of position.
I use the paste solder, and hold the capacitor in place with a dental pick in one hand, and the soldering iron in the other hand. Don't drink coffee first. The capacitors are cheap, get a 10 or 25-pack and practice soldering them on scrap circuit boards or metal pieces before trying on the scanner. It is difficult, but you can learn to do it, unless you have parkinson's disease or something like that.