I'm just getting back into scanning after a 3 year hiatus (damaged my Pro 96 beyond repair and couldn't afford to replace). I just purchased a Pro 651 which , thus far, I am happy with. My issue stems from an isolated group of talk groups on a somewhat large system. The system is "Richmond/Henrico/Chesterfield" located in central Virginia. If you are not familiar, this system has several jurisdictions operating on it. Of ALL hundreds of TGs in this system there are 7 used by the same jurisdiction that I just don't receive. "CHPD, CHFD" are the TGs in question and the very odd part of this is there are 8 TGs for this group. I can hear the CHFD Dispatch and that is all. I thought maybe encryption but unless there is a new form of encryption where you hear NOTHING, that's not it either. Is this possibly a "rebanding" issue ? If so, I have read that my Pro 651 has "one touch" rebanding", please explain !! Thanks in advance