Thanks Jason & Metro,
Yeah saw that and was one of the few I didn't check. God knows I checked the rest but just thought, naw couldn't be that. Time for a rename in the DB?
Also, verified a couple of the freqs today during the BA's practice today. Got to see them & listen as they flew over my house many times. Makes it so much more interesting listening to them. The two primaries for them appeared to be 237.8 for the 4 diamond planes & 284.25 when the other two planes (total 6) did their finale. Sure a fantastic sight. Also heard some comm on 305.9 but couldn't identify with much as it was very short. Probably will hear much more tomorrow. Also fun listening to Marietta PD & Cobb PD handling the outflow crowd. Truly an outstanding scanner, the 106.
Update: Just tagged and programmed Dobbins. Works great! 99% decode rate and clear comm. Thanks, again.
Thanks again guys.