Does Dover Twp. fire use 154.815 at all ? Also, I show 154.145 Simplex as Fire 4. Fire 5 as 154.165 (MedEvac LZ coordination). You say 460.625 DPL 412 is EMS 2. That's the dispatch frequency, which should be EMS 1. Is EMS2 460.625 Simplex ?
Apparently some of us have differing information here so it really would be beneficial to all of us if you could just list each frequency for fire & EMS, along with the correct channel number and PL/DPL, according to your information. This going back and forth from post to post, with questions and answers is a bit confusing and not very comprehensive, whereas a list would make it all clear and precise, and eliminate further questions. Your help would be greatly appreciated by all.