DSD+ DMR Neighbor Control Channel map?


Premium Subscriber
Jun 28, 2013
Northbrook, IL
Are you seeing the calls in the Channel activity window? if so, are there any channels that you have not entered in the frequencies file, All channels need to be entered (actually you only need enter the odd channel, DSDPlus knows the other is there)

Screen shot of channel activity window after the program has run for a while is helpful. Try to get the activity you are not hearing when it is showing

Also, priority can change what you hear. You may not have set any yet but the Control, Monitoring Threshold set to 100 will allow all.

Are you sure you are not seeing data calls and thinking that is activity you should hear?

Be sure under output, you have synthesize all digital voice checked
I have attached the DSDPlus event log here, as well as screen shots of what I see at all three sites. There was a good deal of traffic on site 1.2 primarily. Synthesize all digital voice is indeed checked. I have not set up any priority channels.


  • 1R-DSDPlus.txt
    139.8 KB · Views: 2
  • Site 1.2.jpg
    Site 1.2.jpg
    161 KB · Views: 20
  • Site 1.3.jpg
    Site 1.3.jpg
    156.1 KB · Views: 19
  • Site 1.4.jpg
    Site 1.4.jpg
    154.8 KB · Views: 19


OH/WV DB Admin
Database Admin
Dec 5, 2006
Carroll Co OH / EN90LN
@cg thanks so much for the explanation. I managed to compile what I believe might be the correct band plan. I am still missing calls, but it's a work in progress. How can I tell what type of TIII network it is (S1,S2,non-std,std)?


You were already told in the original thread that it is a Motorola Capacity Max (TIIInonStd) system -- S1, with Sites 1, 2, and 3.

And, who knows why you aren't receiving what you believe should be all the calls. Could it be because you don't have all of the frequencies added? The license says one thing. But then I remember some "insider" who supposedly knows the system gave you some different information about how the system was changing -- IF you can really trust the person, then maybe it did change, or maybe it hasn't changed yet. You are just going to have to test a configuration that includes all the frequencies on the license for each site, and then test the channel lineup that the "insider" gave you and see which one yields the best results.


Premium Subscriber
Jun 28, 2013
Northbrook, IL
You were already told in the original thread that it is a Motorola Capacity Max (TIIInonStd) system -- S1, with Sites 1, 2, and 3.

And, who knows why you aren't receiving what you believe should be all the calls. Could it be because you don't have all of the frequencies added? The license says one thing. But then I remember some "insider" who supposedly knows the system gave you some different information about how the system was changing -- IF you can really trust the person, then maybe it did change, or maybe it hasn't changed yet. You are just going to have to test a configuration that includes all the frequencies on the license for each site, and then test the channel lineup that the "insider" gave you and see which one yields the best results.
@mtindor ... Thanks for your 2 cents, but I'll level with you.... I Perhaps, I was "previously told" about what kind of system, but it was wrong. So, if you care to tell me what the difference is between Standard or non-Standard Tier III and how those are identified, then please do. If this is something you can't do, then just leave it alone, and leave the condescending attitude to yourself.
Last edited:


OH/WV DB Admin
Database Admin
Dec 5, 2006
Carroll Co OH / EN90LN
@mtindor ... Thanks for your 2 cents, but I'll level with you.... I really do not like condescending attitudes expressed in a technology forum. Perhaps I was "previously told" about something that really isn't obvious at all, but that doesn't mean I did not take note of what was questioned and answered. The resources for this technology are quite vast, but the accurate input and output (information) is scarce.
No problem. Glad to have apparently not helped you out one iota. Good luck with your endeavors with TIIIStd S2.


Premium Subscriber
Jun 28, 2013
Northbrook, IL
No problem. Glad to have apparently not helped you out one iota. Good luck with your endeavors with TIIIStd S2.
You did help, my apologies. But I would really like to know why when I park DSD Plus on the control channel of each of those three sites, the event log reads it as std s2 found with site numbers of 1.2, 1.3, 1.4 instead of 1, 2, 3? Where is this info coming from? So, I decided to switch the configuration files to the std s2 configuration annd did actually hear radio traffic. So, again, how is it determined what type of tier 3 network it is?


OH/WV DB Admin
Database Admin
Dec 5, 2006
Carroll Co OH / EN90LN
You did help, my apologies. But I would really like to know why when I park DSD Plus on the control channel of each of those three sites, the event log reads it as std s2 found with site numbers of 1.2, 1.3, 1.4 instead of 1, 2, 3? Where is this info coming from? So, I decided to switch the configuration files to the std s2 configuration annd did actually hear radio traffic. So, again, how is it determined what type of tier 3 network it is?

DSDPLus by default (when it immediately locks onto the control channel) will assume a TIIIStd system. If you monitor the CC long enough (could be just a couple of seconds, or could take much longer if it is a weak signal), IF it detects something particular in the control channel datastream that tells it that it is a Motorola system, it then switches to TIIInonStd (which is Motorola CAPMAX and Selex/Leonardo and possibly some other types of TIII systems that haven't been determined yet).

When you first go to the control channel to monitor, since it's detecting it as a TIIIStd system, it knows that TIIISTd systems present the system information differently in the broadcast SysCode and so it says it is S2, sites 1.2, 1.3, 1.4.

Once it determines that it's actually a Motorola CAPMAX system (which it has in this case) it will switch to TIIInonStd, which presents the system information differently in its SysCode that is broadcast. And thus it says S1, sites 1,2,3.

If you park on every DMR TIII system known to man, on many of them you will never see that switch because the systems are indeed TIIIStd systems. But when you park on a CC and it determines that it is Motorola CAPMAX, it knows its TIIINonSTd, and adjusts accordingly.

The mere fact that it is doing that switching tells you that it is a TIIInonStd system. It's either identifying the MFID (Manufacturer ID) that Motorola uses or it detects something else in the datastream that tells it that is TIIInonStd.

Notice in your screenshots (other thread) of that system, it shows TIIInonStd (MOT). Motorola CAPMAX

So it is S1, with Sites 1, 2 and 3.

And every time I calculated things out (based soley on FCC freqs per site), I got one or more items wrong. Sorry about that.


TIIInonStd,S1,1,"Abbott Park"
TIIInonStd,S1,2,"Sheridan Road"
TIIInonStd,S1,3,"RT41 & MLK DR"


;S1-1 CC=223 935.875c Abbott Park

TIIInonStd,S1,1,31,935.1875,0.0,0     # 15
TIIInonStd,S1,1,141,935.875,0.0,0     # 70
TIIInonStd,S1,1,191,936.1875,0.0,0    # 95
TIIInonStd,S1,1,223,936.3875,0.0,0    # 111
TIIInonStd,S1,1,723,939.5125,0.0,0    # 361
TIIInonStd,S1,1,783,939.8875,0.0,0    # 391


;S1-2 CC=789 939.925c Sheridan Road

TIIInonStd,S1,2,23,935.1375,0.0,0     # 11
TIIInonStd,S1,2,163,936.0125,0.0,0    # 81
TIIInonStd,S1,2,219,936.3625,0.0,0    # 109
TIIInonStd,S1,2,789,939.925,0.0,0     # 394


;S1-3 CC=209 936.300 RT41 & MLK DR

TIIInonStd,S1,3,39,935.2375,0.0,0     # 19
TIIInonStd,S1,3,171,936.0625,0.0,0    # 85
TIIInonStd,S1,3,209,936.300,0.0,0     # 104
TIIInonStd,S1,3,747,939.6625,0.0,0    # 373
TIIInonStd,S1,3,785,939.900,0.0,0     # 392
TIIInonStd,S1,3,787,939.9125,0.0,0    # 393
TIIInonStd,S1,3,791,939.9375,0.0,0    # 395

If only frequencies on the license, those specific to each site, are used at each site, then what I have above should be correct. But if the system maintainer has changed things around (using diffferent frequencies) you will just have to park on the control channel of sites 1, 2, 3 long enough to capture every channel used in the Channel Activity Window. You'll have to site there and wait for it to cycle through the channels 3-4 times so that you are sure of what channels are actually in use.

Do that for all three sites, then the frequencies can be calculated from those channels in the Channel Activity Window.

Hopefully this is a little more helpful. Sorry for being an ass. I do want to see you be able to monitor this.


Premium Subscriber
Dec 13, 2000
and try dropping your gain a bit. I find the second line up gives me the best decoding without over loading the device.

When the program starts, the Neighbors show up and that has the channel numbers of each one. Since the control channel is often difficult to grab the CC unless the second slot is used, be sure the channels that appear as neighboring CCs are in the frequencies file