I am listening to this feed. Oklahoma County Sheriff and Fire Live Audio Feed and once in awhile I hear the noise from encrypted traffic. Can someone tell me what agency on that feed uses encryption?
If I had to guess, it is Tinker Air Force Base Fire and / or Security. When the base switched to UHF P25, everything was in the clear. Over time, some of the radios on each frequency have remained unencrypted and some radios have become encrypted.
During mutual aid situations, especially wildfires, Incident Commanders are frequently frustrated by Tinker radios trying to transmit with radios set to encrypt.
I don't know anyone on the scan list that is encrypted. If you hear it again, please "report issue" on the feed and I'll try to check it out ASAP. I guess I need to turn channel labels on...
I have heard what sounds like motoTRBO on the E OK Fire channel. I have only heard it twice so I never mentioned it. I was running a DCS tone when I heard it