End Feed Antenna


Sep 15, 2024
Hello All
I used to be a lot more active & honestly knowledgeable in this area before 8 years ago I started driving a truck. Late last year I took a job with company as a Driver Manager out of my house. Time to break out me Radio & get it going again. I have a Yeasu YT-857 radio & a YT-100 tuner. But during the move to Florida a few years ago my antenna did not make it. Looking for some Ideas. BUT with the below added - I know might not get a super high end one but fine with that for now. Pics added so you can see & give some recommendations.
Price is an issue as we are shoving a lot of money away for retirement
Would like something not as viable. opposite to the back of my house is south & wide open as it is on a lake if that matters. And need the wife approval witch is fine she gives in a LOT to me also.
Would like as many bands as possible.
Kind of desided as where I want to put it an End feed one one be the best & easiest.
Can an end feed be put up around the corner of my roof by the gutter - with insulators - I have a metal roof
If not what can I do with a straight run 20 feet up 46 feet long?

Thanks for taking the time to read this & for the help if you think of anything.1.png20240914_185232.jpg


Premium Subscriber
Apr 7, 2004
A quick reply and a few things come to mind before more experienced HF operators no doubt can give better information. First, I’d avoid running antenna around the perimeter of a metal roof even with standoffs, unless you have no other options. It may or may not receive ok, but you will likely have problems with t/x including a weird pattern and quite probably be a cloud burner (ie, signal tends to go straight up).

One options which would probably perform well is a vertical on the roof, if your wife doesn’t look up much and you could safely install it; after all you have a great metal ground plane. But realizing this is unlikely to work out, there are options such as the B-square terminated folded dipole which can get you 10-40m without I tuner and is not very long; I think it can do 80 but not as well. The longer 80-10 version is about 66 feet and these antennas do have a little more visual impact then a single wire, but still not bad (I run the 80-10). And you don’t need a tuner with these two.

Other options include an end fed, but I was having troubling finding one short enough that covers the bands you want and lets you use full power. There is the good old random wire, but would probably need a different type of tuner for that, one that covers a greater range of impedance. If you are handy with antenna building and a reference like the ARRL manual, there is probably a plethora of variations on slopes and wire antennas, some with traps to lower length.

A last option is hiding a vertical in plain sight, such as a flagpole antenna. Zero Five makes some good ones that my friends vouch for, but they are not cheap.

Regards and 73