No metal roof on the house...I did remove the splitter, and connected the SDS200 and the BCD536HP to dedicated coax runs to two separate dedicated Diamond Discone antennas that are situated about 6 feet apart in the attic. Both use the same type of coax, which is the RG8/U mini foam coax. The most recent performance characteristics I've been experiencing are off of each scanner's dedicated Discone antennas.
But, frankly, after removing the splitter, and using dedicated antennas, I notice no difference in actual reception or in the statistical readouts shown on the scanners. I don't disagree that removing the splitter should technically improve reception by reducing losses, but based on my experience, being directly in front of those radios, I don't notice any difference in reception with respect to the quality of reception I expect and am actually quite satisfied with.
I don't really have any issues with VHF whatsoever, and as a matter of fact, I don't really have any "issues" with respect to the quality of reception of MSHP either. I just find some of the statistical performance displays on the SDS200, a $700 radio, to be inconsistent with the quality of reception I'm actually experiencing. You've expressed that these statistical readouts are often bogus, and I agree with you completely.
With regard to the Shirley tower, and it being so quiet last night, I understand that units have to be subscribed to the tower. But, I still find it difficult to accept that there is no audio traffic on that tower on a Saturday night at 9 PM to 11:30PM. I guess I could have missed some transmissions, which is always a possibility. But, I was trying to pay particular attention to that tower, and heard no audio traffic. Even with the inconsistency with respect to the readouts sometimes being bogus, clearly I was receiving fully deflected control channel transmissions from the Shirley tower, so the tower was working.
That's why I'm curious about whether these towers might be sometimes virtually shut down to voice communications for some reason, and unless someone is intimately involved with the MSHPs Communications Division, nobody in our position, as listeners, may really know what they're up to. Having come from a law enforcement background, and having significant experience with what to expect with respect to reception quality based on a number of years in the past in a supervisory position within the Communications Division of the St. Louis County Police, I have a certain level of expectation as to what to expect regarding reception. I'm also a licensed Advanced Class Amateur Radio Operator for almost 30 years as well. So, I do understand the technical challenges that some have mentioned. But, based on my experience, I also know that the technicalities in the books aren't always valid because there are too many variables that corrupt those technical assumptions.
I'm familiar with the technical considerations that should go into an antenna system, etc...But, we are all constrained by our individual circumstances with respect to what is logistically feasible and/or economically reasonable with respect to how our antenna systems are setup, and how geography affects reception. While my scanner antenna setup isn't perfect, it should be working fine due to my relative close proximity to the tower sites mentioned. My antennas have been doing a good job of reception, both with respect to VHF, as well as MSHPs P25 Trunked System. But, I must admit, I can't explain why I am not hearing the Washington tower, yet I am hearing the Shirley tower, the Weldon Spring tower, the Imperial tower, and the St. Clair tower, all providing good reception, even when a towers as far away from me as Weldon Spring and Shirley should be terrible according to MOSWIN, but they're not.
I'm just confused by how MSHPs system is represented to work versus how it is actually working. Others contributors on the forum have experienced some of these same odd performance characteristics I've mentioned. I don't know, maybe I'm looking for explanations as to performance of the MSHP system that don't have an explanation due to...who knows.
But, my comments in the forum are more of an intellectual curiosity, rather than my experiencing poor performance. The performance I'm experiencing is actually excellent using the hardware setup I have with respect to my antenna system, and while not perfect, I know what kind of reception it's capable of, even with it's minor detractors.
Did you remove that splitter you mentioned recently in another thread? That will have a negative influence on your signals.
Perhaps the SDS series scanners are not a good choice for you.